my experience reefing is better...helps more to keep the boat
18-22 apparent upwind on y 35 MKII she's faster with the 135 not furled and
first reef in the main

Dwight Veinot
C&C 35 MKII, *Alianna*
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 11:34 AM, Jean-Francois J Rivard via CnC-List <> wrote:

>    Here's another one on heavier winds:   Reef 1st or Furl 1st?
>    Up 'till a few weeks back, when the boat gets over-powered I typically
>    furl long before I reef because it's so much easier + it's quick to un-furl
>    when going on a reach. But then I watched the "in port" race with the Volvo
>    'round the world thing where the ladies team reefed instead of going for
>    the smaller gib and seemed to gain speed from that tactic.  When I tried
>    reefing before it seemed to remove too much power ( In 18-22 breeze)  but I
>    was not looking at the boat speed closely.
>    Has anybody done some tests on reefing vs furling in terms of outright
>    speed on a close haul for a given wind speed?
>    -Francois Rivard
>    1990 34+ "Take Five"
>    Lake Lanier, GA
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