
I have not speed tested it, but the helm is nicely balanced with a reef and
full 135.  I have a cruising jib from Rolly Tasker with a foam luff, so I
could furl it, and will do so if the wind comes up suddenly and I want
everyone in the cockpit.  The racing 155 has no foam luff and is a
laminate, so I prefer not to furl.  When single handed, if I am not
concerned about pointing I will go jib only.  Of course, you have a newer
design, so your boat may handle differently.

On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Bill Bina - gmail via CnC-List <> wrote:

>  Not a universal truth. I have a genoa specifically designed and built to
> be furled from 150% to 135% and 100%. It has tape marks along the foot for
> those points. The sailmaker, Clarke Bassett, who designed and built this
> sail, made from graduated weights of sailcloth, also has designed and built
> sails for America's Cup (1987 Stars & Stripes) among other notables. The
> sail maintains a great shape at all points of furling, and because the
> forward part of the sail is made from the lightest weight cloth, the
> sausage is very thin and tight. He has patents on it.
> Bill Bina
> On 12/4/2014 10:58 AM, Edd Schillay via CnC-List wrote:
> I’ve been told by sailmakers that partially furling your sail is very,
> very bad for the sail, especially on racing sails where the stress loads
> are designed to be in particular places.
>  That being said, when I was in a race and was suddenly faced with a
> 40-mph storm, furling was the easiest and fastest way to reduce sail.
>  All the best,
>  Edd
>  Edd M. Schillay
>  Starship Enterprise
>  C&C 37+ | Sail No: NCC-1701-B
>  City Island, NY
>   Starship Enterprise's Captain's Log <>
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