I had to get into the area inside the transom of my 38 for several reasons, 
during the refit in 2009. Among those reasons were replacing the exhaust hose 
and the discharge hose for my bilge pumps. I agree that it looked like this 
stuff was put in before the deck was installed.

BTW, Rod, the layout on the 38 is basically identical to the 33-1.

My solution to access was to buy two large rectangular access panels - 12" x 
15" I think - and use these to replace the 6" round screw in ports that were on 
the aft wall of the cockpit.

Not only do I have good access to hose connection, wiring, the bolts holding 
the boarding ladder, etc.; I have installed a square of trampoline netting from 
a beach cat in the bottom of the space inside the transom and have storage 
space for spare dock lines, the floats for my anchor trip line, and some other 
infrequently used items that were in the cockpit lazarettes.

Rick Brass

Sent from my iPad

> On Nov 12, 2014, at 17:51, ahycrace--- via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
> Guys
>         I Have A 38' MK II with the same problem I want to replace  that hose 
> but no way am I going in there. Thinking of going to  Brewer yard around here 
> or oldport marine in Newport and hoping I don't have to take out a second 
> mortgage to pay for it.
>                                                                        Gary 
> Kolc
> "Liberty "
> ---- David Paine via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote: 
>> In my 1975 C&C 33-1, I was able (many years ago) to get my daughter (when
>> she was 11) to squeeze into that space (twice) once to remove the old
>> exhaust and again to put a new one back on.   We did this by removing the
>> engine control panel and both screw-on access ports to reduce
>> claustrophobia.   I do recall saying "righty tighty" repeatedly as she
>> couldn't initially get the hose clamp to tighten.  In the worst case, I
>> think you can remove the steering quadrant and then even I could squeeze
>> back there (though I've never tried it).
>> Good luck!
>> David
>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Burt Stratton via CnC-List <
>> cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:
>>> I just found something to like about my ¾ ton special. I have a deck hatch
>>> on the gunwale aft of the cockpit that is big enough to let me get right
>>> down into that space behind the engine. I can get to everything in there
>>> without performing any circus tricks or cutting anything. I am not familiar
>>> enough with the layout of the 33-1 to offer much assistance except this:
>>> The reason your exhaust hose loops up before attaching at the tail pipe is
>>> to create a siphon block. You should plan the same for your new hose. Best
>>> of luck!
>>> Burt
>>> 1974 C&C 33
>>> ¾ ton special
>>> Portsmouth, RI
>>> (still searching for a good name)
>>> *From:* CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] *On Behalf Of *Rod
>>> Randow via CnC-List
>>> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:53 PM
>>> *To:* cnc-list@cnc-list.com
>>> *Subject:* Stus-List Exhaust hose replacement for 33-1
>>> With all the talk about the 3/4 tons and the 33-1, how do you replace the
>>> exhaust hose on the 33-1? Have any 33-1 owners had the exhaust hose
>>> replaced?
>>> I would like to replace the exhaust hose, muffler to transom, on my 33-1.
>>> The issue is removing the hose from the “tailpipe” on the reverse transom.
>>> There are two round inspection ports high up on the aft cockpit wall but
>>> the distance from each to the hose clamps is probably four feet. Without
>>> cutting new lower ports, the approach from the cockpit does not seem to be
>>> a option. Cutting a large opening(s) near the cockpit floor is something I
>>> would greatly like to avoid.
>>> Approaching the hose clamps from the starboard cockpit locker (open space
>>> from saloon bulkhead to transom except for enclosed port quarter berth) I
>>> can barely reach the rudder quadrant and the clamps are probably another
>>> 3-4 feet further aft. Maybe removing the gas tank and rudder quadrant,
>>> because the center section is deeper in this IOR narrow and pointy transom,
>>> a very skinny person with long arms might be able to reach the clamps. See
>>> diagram below.
>>> Have any owners with a similar configuration had the exhaust hose
>>> replaced? The exhaust hose actually makes a loop high up into this transom
>>> section before exiting at the fitting. Any suggestions, tips, tricks on how
>>> to remove the hose clamps and hose from the fitting are welcome.
>>> Use Courier font for drawing (not to scale):
>>>             ___
>>>            /   |
>>>           /    ()
>>>          /     |
>>>         /      |
>>>        ~       ~
>>>       ~        ~
>>>      /         |___||_____________
>>>     /              ||
>>>   =/=              ||
>>>   /                ||
>>>    \______         ||
>>>           \________||______________
>>>                    ||
>>>                rudder
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> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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