I've crouched within Ox's starboard lazarette and realized there was no way
I could even reach the quadrant for a belowdeck homebrew autopilot project.
(My BMI = 28.7).

One time, while replacing the waterlift muffler, I remember looking at the
exhaust hose going back into the inky-black shadows of the stern.

I would consider cutting holes for access panels if I had to get my hands
on the aft-most part of the exhaust hose.

Bob M
Ox 33-1
Jax, FL

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 3:15 PM, David Paine via CnC-List <
cnc-list@cnc-list.com> wrote:

> In my 1975 C&C 33-1, I was able (many years ago) to get my daughter (when
> she was 11) to squeeze into that space (twice) once to remove the old
> exhaust and again to put a new one back on.   We did this by removing the
> engine control panel and both screw-on access ports to reduce
> claustrophobia.   I do recall saying "righty tighty" repeatedly as she
> couldn't initially get the hose clamp to tighten.  In the worst case, I
> think you can remove the steering quadrant and then even I could squeeze
> back there (though I've never tried it).
> Good luck!
> David
> 1974 C&C 33
>> ¾ ton special
>> Portsmouth, RI
>> (still searching for a good name)
>> *From:* CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] *On Behalf Of *Rod
>> Randow via CnC-List
>> *Sent:* Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:53 PM
>> *To:* cnc-list@cnc-list.com
>> *Subject:* Stus-List Exhaust hose replacement for 33-1
>> With all the talk about the 3/4 tons and the 33-1, how do you replace the
>> exhaust hose on the 33-1? Have any 33-1 owners had the exhaust hose
>> replaced?
>> I would like to replace the exhaust hose, muffler to transom, on my 33-1.
>> The issue is removing the hose from the “tailpipe” on the reverse transom.
>> There are two round inspection ports high up on the aft cockpit wall but
>> the distance from each to the hose clamps is probably four feet. Without
>> cutting new lower ports, the approach from the cockpit does not seem to be
>> a option. Cutting a large opening(s) near the cockpit floor is something I
>> would greatly like to avoid.
>> Approaching the hose clamps from the starboard cockpit locker (open space
>> from saloon bulkhead to transom except for enclosed port quarter berth) I
>> can barely reach the rudder quadrant and the clamps are probably another
>> 3-4 feet further aft. Maybe removing the gas tank and rudder quadrant,
>> because the center section is deeper in this IOR narrow and pointy transom,
>> a very skinny person with long arms might be able to reach the clamps. See
>> diagram below.
>> Have any owners with a similar configuration had the exhaust hose
>> replaced? The exhaust hose actually makes a loop high up into this transom
>> section before exiting at the fitting. Any suggestions, tips, tricks on how
>> to remove the hose clamps and hose from the fitting are welcome.
>> Use Courier font for drawing (not to scale):
>>              ___
>>             /   |
>>            /    ()
>>           /     |
>>          /      |
>>         ~       ~
>>        ~        ~
>>       /         |___||_____________
>>      /              ||
>>    =/=              ||
>>    /                ||
>>     \______         ||
>>            \________||______________
>>                     ||
>>                 rudder
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