Joel, You forgot to mention the bad- the 41 is a very expensive boat $400K.  
Hard to see how it will compete well with the slightly lower quality but much 
lower priced Beneteaus and Hanses.

Roger Ware, Kingston, ON


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joel Aronson 
via CnC-List
Sent: October-11-14 12:00 PM
Subject: Stus-List Redline 41


spent a few minutes on the new 41 at the boat show The good- large cockpit, 
boat appears solid. The bad- winch placement, cabin steps are too far apart, 
cabin feels very small, aft quarterberths are open with no door for privacy 
while cruising, door to head is in forward cabin.   Better racer than cruiser 


301 541 8551

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