Thanks for all the GREAT input. This list is by far the best email list I have ever read. I look forward to being a real member by owning a C&C. Anyhow a few corrections to my post.
1. The boat is owned by the dealer they took it on trade 2. They did replace the floor boards, or at least refinish them. I know this because it is clear that the floor boards in the aft cabin are a much darker color so I inquired. That is when I found out about the water. And yes the boat was left uncovered with mast up for years. They just covered it for the first time last year. They dropped the mast, stored it, and shrink wrapped the boat. 3. We are not up 18’ on Lake Michigan but 18” still enough for this boat to get into most harbors but not all. Just last year it would have been a problem. I am hopping we are starting our tread up. I don’t want to be calling Mars to reduce the keel in a few years. That is a $20k job. I just yesterday spoke with the last owner on the phone. A friend of mine knows him and put us in touch. I am going to meet him this weekend because he is crewing on a boat that is doing a port to port this weekend and we are doing that race as well. NICE guy on the phone. And yes they were not serious racers. He did say that if I were going to race the boat I would need a new main. One of the #2’s was near new. A new main for my C30 is $1,500 on the low end, about the same for the #3. I know this because I just bought new sail last year. Jake: $45k to $55k is exactly what I was thinking. A friend of mine is close friends with a broker and he had him check on boats sold in the past 3 years. The closest one to a 1989 std. rig was a 1991 std. rig wing. It looked like it was in nice condition and it sold for $60K. That was two years ago. Not one on Lake Michigan. There were more expensive boats but they were really nice, new interior, new sail, new paint jobs, i.e. like new. My wife would be more interested in a wing, I like the fin for performance, I am concerned if the lake levels head south. Chuck: A roller furling genneker is a great idea for light air. I wonder if I can get away with that in the JAM fleet. I am almost certain that our 1st place JAM boat was flying very light large head sail that he ran up the luff track. It was like 3 or 4 knots and we were barley moving and he was just pulling away. Thanks so much for your help. David Roberts
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