

On Sep 10, 2014 8:24 AM, "Hoyt, Mike via CnC-List" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>

> Jonathan
> How does the remanufactured engine compare in pricing to the new models?
> Mike
> *From:* CnC-List [mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] *On Behalf Of 
> *Jonathan
> Boocock via CnC-List
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 09, 2014 9:31 PM
> *To:* cnc-list@cnc-list.com
> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Yanmar 4JH-TE Repower on C&C 44
> Thanks for all the input. I will summarize what I have found so far about
> engine replacements.
> Much to my surprise pricing for new Yanmar engines with similar hp (55 hp)
> to the old engine pricing is better in Canada compared to the US.
> With "boat show" pricing I have been quoted $14,900 US (list $18320) for a
> 4JH5E or 4JH57. Of course with Yanmar products they can't be shipped to
> other regions so I would have to pick it up in the US and pay state tax,
> followed by Canadian tax when it is brought into Canada. (total about 20%
> :(   )
> Canadian pricing is approx $14900 CAN, roughly 10% less given the exchange
> rate and I wouldn't incur the US state tax.
> As many recommend Beta as an alternative to Yanmar I started looking at
> them as well. The 50 hp option is about $14,000 CAN before any options
> (higher output alternator, longer wiring harness etc) and this is before
> adding any of the items required to change engine mounts, exhaust etc. I
> don't see the significant savings I was expecting based on others
> experience.It sounds like maintainability (parts, access) are better than
> Yanmar so savings aren't only $.
> I am likely going to put in a remanufactured Yanmar  4JH3 which I have
> been told should be a drop in fully replacement  with the same hp as my
> turbocharged older model. It sounds like Schooner Bay have an excellent
> reputation delivering fully remanufactured engines for less than half the
> price of a new engine.
> Thanks for everyones input. I will update the list as my project proceeds.
> Jon
> C&C 44
> Mor' Childs Play
> Kingston ON
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