Agreed here
Dwight Veinot C&C 35MKII, Alianna Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS _____ From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Rick Brass via CnC-List Sent: August 20, 2014 12:29 PM To: Subject: Re: Stus-List Racing rules at marks Colregs rule 2b takes precedence over the racing rules of sailing in all cases, you must take action to avoid a collision even if it means violating the rules. It's the same rule for you Canadian guys, too. That doesn't mean I've not pushed the racing rules a time or two. I've even been so crass as to use the unwritten "tonnage rule" a few times to gain an advantage. (Tonnage Rules. And there is nothing like a 38 foot boat with 79 pounds of steel out on the bow rollers to make a guy in a San Juan 21 show a little respect.) but I try to know the RRS and what it says in the NOR and SIs before I go out, even for fun races. Jonathon, the RC screwed up in the SIs or NOR, and the roundings should have been specified. Since they were not, I see three possible outcomes: 1) throw out the race, 2) boats 1, 2, & 3 get redress, or 3) everyone else gets DNF. #1 seems the most equitable. Rick Brass Sent from my iPad On Aug 20, 2014, at 6:04, dwight via CnC-List <> wrote: .not having knowledge of the rules or how they apply on the water or maybe even having that knowledge but pushing the limits of the rule can cause unnecessary collisions. _____ No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2014.0.4716 / Virus Database: 4007/8059 - Release Date: 08/18/14
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