Here is an article on ethanol versus methanol as a fuel.  This article
concludes that ethanol is the more efficient fuel.


and this article says that ethanol produces a higher flame temperature.


Ethanol is hygroscopic and will absorb up to 5% moisture from the
atmosphere.  It is difficult to obtain and store 100% pure ethanol.


Many chemicals can be used to "denature" ethanol, like methanol, acetone,
benzene, isobutyl ketone and most of these chemicals will make the denatured
ethanol poisonous , bad tasting, bad smelling or nauseating in order to
discourage human consumption




Dwight Veinot

C&C 35MKII, Alianna

Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Marek
Dziedzic via CnC-List
Sent: August 12, 2014 9:12 AM
To: Stevan Plavsa;
Subject: Re: Stus-List Alcohol stove




try other marine stores. In Ottawa, The Chandlery, sells Capt. Phab 4l for
$21.50 (or $20 US)
( I
think they would ship it, unless there is some funny restriction. They ship
to the US, as well. 


Marine Outfitters out of Kingston carry it, too.


Btw. this is what I use in my stove and it burns extremely clean.




From: Stevan Plavsa <>  via CnC-List 

Sent: Monday, August 11, 2014 10:36 PM

To: Rick <>  Brass ; 

Subject: Re: Stus-List Alcohol stove


I found it hard to source denatured alcohol here in Toronto. I found it at
this place finally:


I paid something less than $25 for a 4 litre jug. Much better deal than the
stuff they sell at west marine.



Suhana, C&C 32



On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 4:01 PM, Rick Brass via CnC-List
<> wrote:

Denatured alcohol is all I've ever used in the stove on the 38 or the Origo
stove on the 25. About once a year I go to Lowes and buy a gallon can.


And one of these days I'll finally get around to installing the new propane
stove I bought for the 38 a couple of years ago. I'm told it is easier to
find propane than denatured alcohol when you are in the Bahamas or the


Rick Brass

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 11, 2014, at 10:36, Burt Stratton via CnC-List
<> wrote:

This my first go-around with alcohol stoves. Seems to work very nicely.
Cleaned it up filled it and brewed a big pot of coffee in no time. Is there
any reason not to use plain old denatured alcohol instead of stove cooking





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