Consider a sail drive...I had a volvo 2 cylinder gas saildrive that had a
honda top end in my C&C 24...forward and reverse on the throttle lever if I
remember correct (that was 25 years ago) and I had a 2 blade Volvo geared
folding prop on the bottom end which was the Volvo part of the
saildrive...that little engine worked great and was much nicer than a nearby
Niagara 26 with an outboard motor hanging off the stern...who really likes
the look of an outboard motor aux power unit hanging off the stern of a
sailboat...even if the prop stays in the water in a busy sea

Dwight Veinot
C&C 35MKII, Alianna
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Paul and
Darlene Clarke via CnC-List
Sent: August 4, 2014 2:29 PM
Subject: Stus-List Thoughts on repowering with outboard

My wife and I are beginning to think it may be time to convert our C & C 27,
which we've had for 5 years, to a transom-mounted outboard engine from its
original (1972) Atomic 4. Any listers have experience with a project like
this, advice, or suggestions? The boat is sound, of course, as is the rig
and sails, but the A4 engine is requiring infusions of $$ every year, and is
not reliable. Every year we've been scuppered, and I want reliability
without the cost of a new inboard. hence the idea to try the outboard route.
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