Andrew Burton wrote:
Wal, which model caframo fan? I need to install a few in Peregrine and I
was thinking of going with the Hella Turbos, but if you like the caframo...

Andy - I have been using the cheapest Caframo, model 747.  Mainly because that 
all I can get.   They make others with grill enclosures, but I don't know if 
they move as much air.  I also can't recall how it compares with the air flow 
of the Hella.  It's all about moving air, and the Caframo definitely moves air.

Like I said, I run fans 24x7, so burning them up isn't a reflection on the 
quality of the motor.  The Caframo only pulls .5 amps at high speed, and that's 
important when on the hook.

To grill or not to grill.  Grills collect dust, and can make it hard to clean 
the blades.  The fan without an enclosing grill must be securely mounted, 
because if you knock it over you'll burn out the motor.  Duh.  The Caframo 
without an enclosure also really hurts your head when you walk into it, or sit 
up in bed at 2 am.  However, those blades are pretty soft and don't actually 
draw blood, and after the initial eff word I laugh because it's my own fault.  

The only real problem I have the non-enclosed fan is bees.  Really.  If a bee 
flies behind the fan and is sucked into the vortex, it usually gets smacked by 
the blade and then propelled at high velocity directly at me.  Ticked off and 
ready to sting the first thing it hits.


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