Painted my black pedestal white using Brightside Matterhorn White in 2002. I 
have two small chips after all these years, but easily painted when I get 
around to it. Other prioities. 

I think any good quality paint by Interlux or even Rustoleum will work well as 
long as you prep the metal first by sanding to remove old loose paint, prep any 
bare spots w the etching primer and paint following the directions of the stuff 
you are using. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Broad Creek, Magothy River, Md 

----- Original Message -----

From: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" <> 
To: "CNC boat owners, cnc-list" <> 
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2014 10:55:51 AM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List Aluminum coating 

Painting instructions from Edson: 

Suhana, C&C 32 

On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 9:57 AM, Rick Brass via CnC-List < > wrote: 

I reprinted my pedestal circa 208 or 2009 when I was replacing the idler 
sheaves that are mounted on the plate below the cockpit sole. I did it off the 
boat and my pedestal is white (so less heat to impact the paint) but I have 
been pleased with the result and no current indication of decay in the finish. 

Since I had to remove the idler plate and all the wiring and cables, I took the 
pedestal home to work on it in the shop. Sanded the old surface with something 
like 120 grit to remove the loose powder coat and give some tooth for the 
paint. Primed with Rustoleum primer (think it was zinc chromate) and painted 3 
or 4 coats of off white Rustoleum satin finish paint (2 cans worth IIRC). 

Now that I have said I'm pleased and the paint is lasting well, I expect to go 
to the boat and find it suddenly and unexpectedly flaking off. Oh well, just 
another project to add to the list. It is a boat, after all. 

Rick Brass 

Sent from my iPad 

> On Jun 29, 2014, at 22:47, Brad Crawford via CnC-List < 
> > wrote: 
> Do you think it would work well on a black pedestal? Mine has been eroding 
> away in a few spots over the years. Might be best to remove the pedestal and 
> have the whole thing powder coated, but maybe the zinc chromate primer and 
> black paint might get me by for a few year? What do you think? Anyone have 
> any luck with painting over the cancer while still on the boat? 
> Thanks, 
> Brad 
> CnC 36 
> "Dora Pearl" 
> Seattle 
> Sent from my iPad 
>> On Jun 29, 2014, at 3:45 PM, Jake Brodersen via CnC-List < 
>> > wrote: 
>> Tom, 
>> I've used zinc chromate primer and black spray paint. It has held up well. 
>> The primer has a tenacious hold, while the black spray paint may need a 
>> touch up after a couple of years. Overall, I'd say it works well. 
>> Jake 
>> Jake Brodersen 
>> "Midnight Mistress" 
>> C&C 35 Mk-III 
>> Hampton Va 
>> -----Original Message----- 
>> From: CnC-List [mailto: ] On Behalf Of Tom 
>> Buscaglia via CnC-List 
>> Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2014 12:27 PM 
>> To: 
>> Subject: Stus-List Aluminum coating 
>> The black coating on the stanchion bases along the rail on Alera have flaked 
>> off in a few spots. I bet someone here has dealt with this issue... 
>> Tom Buscaglia 
>> S/V Arera 
>> 1990 C&C 37+/40 
>> Vashon WA 
>> P 206.463.9200 
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