Yes, you should have a bilge pump. Whale makes a perfect pump for your boat. 
The pump also comes in an 1100 gph version.  A wiring diagram is included that 
shows it both directly connected to a battery through a fuse for automatic 
operation, and through a switch for manual operation, a standard way of hooking 
up a bilge pump. 


> On May 27, 2014, at 0:18, M Bod via CnC-List <> wrote:
> Rich,
> Thanks for the heads up. I was just online tonight looking at bilge pumps. 
> My CS 30 doesn't have an automatic bilge pump, just a manual. 
> I feel like I should add an automatic pump, but I wonder what size. 
> My boat has a very flat bilge with no 'deep' spots at all and maybe 4" space 
> under the floor boards.
> What size bilge pump is appropriate? (And will fit)
> Suggestions? Would you the the 'integrated electronic' switch or the old 
> fashioned float?
> And suggestions on installation? I gather I should have it pump out near the 
> transom above water level (maybe Y it onto the drain from the manual pump?) 
> Do you 'direct wire' it to the batteries and bypass the panel?
> Mark
>> On 26 May 2014 23:34, Rich Knowles via CnC-List <> 
>> wrote:
>> My  bilge pump and I had a small altercation this weekend. It’s a 2000 gph 
>> PAR unit that I have had on the boat for at least 10 years. It has never 
>> given me problems until it recently decided not to pump any water. The motor 
>> ran just fine, and I could see the water in the bilge being stirred around, 
>> but nothing was being sent overboard. It acted as though it had an airlock 
>> with the impeller only partially submerged. 
>> I dismantled it and found that the small slit that acts as an air vent at 
>> the top of the plastic impeller housing  was completely plugged. This 
>> prevented any trapped air from escaping from the pump body. Once I cleaned 
>> the crud out of the vent slit, it performed as new. Good for another ten 
>> years, thank you. 
>> Just a note to tuck away in case anyone has a similar “failure”. 
>> Rich Knowles 
>> Halifax, NS. 
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