

You are 100% correct.  Back in 2000 our friends bought a C&C 25-1 that had been 
repowered in 1981 with a OMC Zephyr sail drive.  All the local experts said 
that mechanics did not want to work on them.  When the lower unit became holed 
by galvanic corrosion we attempted to find a replacement.  This meant many 
hours of searching for phone numbers for marinas and calling around and just 
dropping in to various marinas and then by chanmce we came acorss somebody who 
knew of a boater that had repowered from an OMC Zephyr to something else and we 
managed to buy it.  


The next year I decided to set up a Yahoo group for saildrives and it is now 
self sustaining and has well over 500 members.  It is the source of knowledge 
on these powerplants and ha probably saved an awful lot of people an awful lot 
of headaches.  These lists are phenomenal.


I would never hesitate to buy a boat with a Universal diesel for this reason 
and an Atomic 4 has probably more support than any other marine engine on the 
planet so same thing!



Not a C&C but love the list

Nut Case

J/27 #150 sail 50757

(yeah - very much not a C&C but a lot of other boats we had and sailed on were)


From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joe Della 
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Off topic discussion - list decorum


I totally agree. I would really hesitate to own an old boat with no active 
support community. Fixing anything unusual would be 50 times harder. It also 
holds true for the Atomic 4. Moyer Marine and Indigo do such a great job 
supporting these engines they are easier to maintain now than when they were 
new. Moyer also runs a forum that provides excellent A4 advice. Given the lack 
of marine mechanics that care to do a good job or any job on these, this is a 
good thing.


Joe Della Barba



C&C 35 MK I

From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Ken Heaton
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 5:05 PM
To: cnc-list
Subject: Re: Stus-List Off topic discussion - list decorum


To quote Steve:


"I'll go one step further actually. - This list keeps the value of our boats 
up, I really believe that. C&C is still essentially a supported brand. When 
buyers are making purchasing decisions, knowing that there is a community of 
owners out there that are willing to help out is very valuable."


This seems to me like a good time to remind everyone that Stu makes this all 
work (god bless him) and perhaps this would be a good time to make a small 
contribution toward defraying his costs to keep this list and website up and 


You can do that on the C&C Photo album site here:


Once you place your order and go through the checkout you will receive an order 
confirmation email that offers a couple of payment options.  Its easy and I'm 
sure Stu will appreciate the help.


Ken H.


On 10 April 2014 11:58, Stevan Plavsa <> wrote:

        I've only been on the list a few years but it's my favourite place on 
the entire internet to look for help. I'm going to take this opportunity to 
thank you all for the valuable advice you've offered me during my time here. 
It's a great list and I'm all in favour of keeping it that way.


        I'll go one step further actually. 

        This list keeps the value of our boats up, I really believe that. C&C 
is still essentially a supported brand. When buyers are making purchasing 
decisions, knowing that there is a community of owners out there that are 
willing to help out is very valuable. I'll point to Wally's blog as an example, 
I firmly believe that his blog actually adds to the financial value of the C&C 
Landfall 38.


        That's my story and I'm sticking to it.



        Suhana, C&C 32




        On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:45 AM, Tim Sippel 
<> wrote:

                It's a Trunk-aided Cow

                -----Original Message-----
                From: CnC-List [] On Behalf 
Of Rich Knowles
                Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 10:30 AM
                Subject: Re: Stus-List Off topic discussion - list decorum

                That must be a mutant Ninja cow...?
                > On Apr 10, 2014, at 10:55, Wally Bryant <> 
                > I've moved on... 
                > Big grins as usual.
                > Wal
                >> On 4/10/2014 1:29 PM, Joe Della Barba wrote:
                >> The worst outbreaks seem to be about old
                >> sports cars or inflatable cows.
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        This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album


This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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