I land firmly in the category of "not editing my signature".
Apologize for any offense.  Not like I'm trying to draw any business off this list where people are scattered across the continent - with maybe a couple people within driving distance.
(If throwing my clinic name out to this list is my best marketing trick....well I'm gonna have bigger issues than trying to name my boat!)
Nor am I under the misconception that my title/degrees make me more knowledgeable --- I think several of the questions I have asked this list have cleared up any confusion on that topic!

--BTW - did get a new fuel tank - cut open the old tank that had the small leak and yes, few more spots were getting thin looking from the inside!!!  Glad I went for total replacement


I will see if I can get my signature line to change based on which list I'm interacting with

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
  - George Santayana
On 10/04/2014 5:30 PM, Joel Aronson wrote:

I suspect some of us just don't bother to edit our sig blocks.  Being a C&C owner is enough to brag about!  We know whose advise to trust, and it has no relationship to formal education or job title.  You are correct that being "lawyers, chiropractors, professors, or garbage collectors" does not make us knowledgeable about our boats.  Crawling in the bilge, reading equipment manuals and learning by asking, watching and doing makes us knowledgeable.  If I ever need a chiropractor in Bedford Canada, at least I'll know one!

See you on the Bay!

Joel 35/3
The Office

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Robert Boyer <dainyr...@icloud.com> wrote:
I completely agree with Joe on this issue!  (Even though, I've just recently become more active on this list, I remember most of the same listers way back when this group was part of Sailnet.) I would like to add another aspect to Joe's list decorum:  you should notice that Joe has never listed his title and/or business name on his listings--this is because it should have no importance whatsoever on this list--we are all simply C&C owners!  It shouldn't matter if we are lawyers, chiropractors, professors, or garbage collectors.  I think if you have to add your professional credentials to the end of your listing on a C&C owners forum, you are bragging about how important you think you are--no one here cares about your life outside of your C&C ownership. Why don't we grow up a little and remove our ridiculous professional titles from this forum and save the bad attitudes toward some professions in the process?

Bob Boyer
S/V Rainy Days (1983 C&C Landfall 38 - Hull #230)
Annapolis, Maryland
"There's nothing--absolutely nothing--half so much worth doing as messing about in boats.” -Kenneth Grahame 

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