Good ears Jim, long row too…aren’t you on the west coast?  


I will definitely keep my eyes peeled for Paradigm Shift whenever I use that
generator on board which is not all that often. :-)



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Jim Watts
Sent: March 27, 2014 1:22 AM
To: 1 CnC List
Subject: Re: Stus-List Inverters


You might not hear it much, but I will hear it very well and I will row over
and push it overboard. Preferably after making sure you are holding the

Jim Watts
Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC


On 26 March 2014 17:20, dwight <> wrote:

Looking good is very important, no matter the cost you have to get something
to dry that hair while she’s on the boat or she may not like being on the
boat and that will be a drag…the Honda generator may be your best bet, with
an extension cord she will be able to use the dryer of her choice and it
does have many other uses, like lights, charging batteries, power tools and
home or cottage backup…put it up on the bow on a sound damping rubber pad
and you hardly even hear it



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: March 26, 2014 8:29 PM

Subject: Re: Stus-List Inverters


So the suggestions are:


Stick her head in the oven

Plumbers torch

Dinghy ride @ 20 knots

Other propane torch

Triple ought cable to a $1000 inverter


Short hair sounding good right about now?



Sent from my iPad

On Mar 26, 2014, at 6:53 PM, Jim Watts <> wrote:

You could probably lash something up with a small 12V fan and a plumber's
propane torch. Don't get too close. 

Jim Watts
Paradigm Shift
C&C 35 Mk III
Victoria, BC


On 26 March 2014 15:14, dwight <> wrote:

That’s funny, I thought it was too obvious that the bilge blower not the
head went in the oven…interesting variant though, I’ll take a book of



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
Sent: March 26, 2014 6:45 PM

Subject: Re: Stus-List Inverters




If you tell your wife of two years to stick her head in the oven while you
run bilge blowers please sell tickets!  With luck you'll be on the Genesis
planet when you make the suggestion.



Sent from my iPad

On Mar 26, 2014, at 2:59 PM, "dwight" <> wrote:



Turn the oven on, use a bilge blower fan and connect a hose…presto, hair
dryer…or connect to your heating system, especially good for espar forced
air or be the first to invent a good propane / butane hair dryer…you are on
the Starship Enterprise so you should have the resources…right :-)



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Bill Bina
Sent: March 26, 2014 3:30 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Inverters


Is there any guarantee that going through all this effort and expense will
prevent your wife from cutting her hair short any way, as she apparently
wants to do? :-) 

Bill Bina

On 3/26/2014 2:23 PM, Dennis C. wrote:



Took a while but we found a smaller hair dryer that Touché's 1000 watt
inverter will handle.  The admiral likes it OK.


Also my research on this indicated that somehow running a European voltage
hair dryer on North American voltage works. Not sure how but I read
something to that effect on the web. Must be true then. :)


As others have said, it will represent quite a draw so make sure you size
the wiring and circuit protection accordingly. 


Dennis C.

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 26, 2014, at 9:05 AM, Edd Schillay <> wrote:



 As part of my ongoing battle for my wife not to cut her hair short, she
would like to be able to use a hair dryer on board the boat. My current
inverter is rated at 600 Watts AC, which is nowhere near enough to handle a
hair dryer. 


 Anyone know of any issues in changing my inverter to one that can handle
1600 to 2000 watts? I was thinking something like this (but waiting until
after 2:00pm today when the price drops):
04363> &id=1704363   


 All the best,




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