Regarding the winter .. I saw a special on the melting ice caps. It's
warmer up there, and colder down here as a result of changes to the jet
stream. Or so the theory goes. Those that don't believe in climate change
may disagree. One of the factors was air pollution actually settling into
the layers of ice. As the glacier melts this soot/ash is concentrated
creating dark bands on the glacier .. dark colours absorb heat, you get the

Suhana, C&C 32

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 3:30 PM, Stevan Plavsa <>wrote:

> Not sure what this thread is about but I sold my Mirage 24 a couple of
> years back to a club member for $3700. Sails usable, 155% genoa newish,
> main old. Honda outboard 8hp. Generally in good shape, newish cushions, it
> presented fairly well.
> For what it's worth.
> Steve
> Suhana, C&C 32
> Toronto
> On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Bill Coleman <> wrote:
>> [image: Cardinal.jpg]
>> Bill
>> Yesterday I met a young guy at my Mirage 24 - he's very interested in
>> buying.�
>> I listed it for $4400 - with great sails, and all the gear needed to
>> sail. I feel like the price is good, I just want to get the new boat
>> floating and see some sunshine!!!
>> Then today, I can't see 50 yards with the snow blowing (30-50+cm expected
>> today) and the hurricane force winds!�
>> Hiding out inside. City is basically shut down.
>> I'm holding out that winter will actually end....
>> Right...
>> Summer is still scheduled for this year...
>> Maybe I'll search you tube for some sailing 'porn'� - beaches, blue
>> water and boats. Bikinis of course are appropriate!
>> Mark
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