Not sure what this thread is about but I sold my Mirage 24 a couple of
years back to a club member for $3700. Sails usable, 155% genoa newish,
main old. Honda outboard 8hp. Generally in good shape, newish cushions, it
presented fairly well.

For what it's worth.

Suhana, C&C 32

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 3:03 PM, Bill Coleman <> wrote:

> [image: Cardinal.jpg]
> Bill
> Yesterday I met a young guy at my Mirage 24 - he's very interested in
> buying.�
> I listed it for $4400 - with great sails, and all the gear needed to sail.
> I feel like the price is good, I just want to get the new boat floating and
> see some sunshine!!!
> Then today, I can't see 50 yards with the snow blowing (30-50+cm expected
> today) and the hurricane force winds!�
> Hiding out inside. City is basically shut down.
> I'm holding out that winter will actually end....
> Right...
> Summer is still scheduled for this year...
> Maybe I'll search you tube for some sailing 'porn'� - beaches, blue water
> and boats. Bikinis of course are appropriate!
> Mark
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