Thanks Gary. That's the kind of workaround I was hoping for. 

Dr. Brian C. Morrison

> On Mar 25, 2014, at 12:53 PM, "Gary Nylander" <> 
> wrote:
> If you're not looking for the ultimate racing bottom, why not do a careful 
> scrape to get the loose stuff off and put something on top? Talk to the paint 
> manufacturers or West Marine - they have tables of what goes over what. You 
> can put something like Hydrocoat over just about anything and, because it is 
> ablative, it will mostly come off in a year or so and you can continue (as 
> long as you aren't getting big peels) as long as you want. Baltoplate is very 
> hard and smooth and doesn't have much copper or other anti-fouling 
> properties, that's why the racers use it, but they dive on the boat every 
> couple of weeks or more often.
> A hand sanding just to put some 'bite' on what's there (after getting the 
> loose stuff off) should get you through the year. Use a sponge sanding block, 
> then roll on whatever you decide to use.
> But, sooner or later you should have all the junk taken off and get down to 
> gelcoat and then put a barrier coat on - that will keep the boat from 
> absorbing moisture and possibly developing blisters. When I peeled mine, I 
> found that it already had a barrier coat (PO?) and that was good. I have been 
> using Hydrocoat ever since.
> Gary
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Morrison" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 12:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Bottom Paint Question
>> That is the case somewhat Gary. In most areas it peeled down to the gelcoat. 
>> If I could get away with one season of painting on top of what's there 
>> without too many issues I would take that.
>> Brian
>> Dr. Brian C. Morrison
>>> On Mar 25, 2014, at 9:58 AM, "Gary Nylander" <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> I think the original note said there had been Baltoplate and then something 
>>> else on top - and the something else was what was peeling. My impression is 
>>> not many other paints (or anything else) stick to Baltoplate, so it has to 
>>> be roughed up and/or stripped off, which means what is on top is the 
>>> problem.
>>> Unfortunately, this top coat will have to be taken off or you will end up 
>>> just patching it every year.
>>> Gary
>>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Jake Brodersen" <>
>>> To: <>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 5:59 AM
>>> Subject: Re: Stus-List Bottom Paint Question
>>>> Brian,
>>>> My boat originally  had Baltoplate.  I successfully put VC Offshore over 
>>>> the
>>>> top of it for a number of years without any adhesion problems.  The paints
>>>> are quite similar.  Last year I had the boat soda blasted.  I then did a
>>>> barrier coat and VC Offshore.  The hull came out of the soda blasting very
>>>> smooth.  No way could I have ever sanded it clean and left a smooth 
>>>> surface.
>>>> The only thing I needed to do was fill a couple of blisters and start the
>>>> barrier coat.  It's definitely the right way to go, if you plan on keeping
>>>> the boat for the long haul.
>>>> Jake
>>>> Jake Brodersen
>>>> "Midnight Mistress"
>>>> C&C 35 Mk-III
>>>> Hampton Va
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Brian
>>>> Morrison
>>>> Sent: Monday, March 24, 2014 9:19 PM
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: Stus-List Bottom Paint Question
>>>> The weather has finally broken here in lovely Baltimore and it's time to
>>>> paint the bottom. The staff at the boatyard told me that the previous owner
>>>> had baltaplate paint and then painted over it with a different type of
>>>> paint. The paint is peeling in some areas and they suggest sanding down to
>>>> the gelcoat and starting fresh. To do this will be costly or very time and
>>>> labor intensive on my part. So my question is can I avoid the cost or labor
>>>> using some other method I may not be aware of? I really hope there is a
>>>> viable alternative. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
>>>> Brian C. Morrison
>>>> 1979 C&C 34
>>>> Rekofa
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