Mark, I have to break it to you, "42" is not obscure. In a similar vein
I was amazed when I had the Tardis (in 2002, pre Doctor Who relaunch)
how many people - including the kids driving the tender - knew the name.
Graham Collins
Secret Plans
C&C 35-III #11
On 2014-03-18 11:48 AM, M Bod wrote:
I've been saving several of the messages on how to remove old boat names.
Planning on re-naming my CS30 this spring. Current name is Sea Fever - which
is not bad, but does not speak to me personally.
But I'm still not totally committed that I have the right need name.
Like Steven I have had a running list of names that piqued my interest. I'm
hoping to find something short, meaningful, unique and a bit witty. Love some
of the names I see from this list (Oxygen, The Office, etc) - but I don't want
to steal a unique name.
My current favourite is Cracked - I am a chiropractor after all, plus I've been
told multiple times that my views on the world can be twisted. Also relates
back to the fact I was (and maybe still am a bit) concerned about the small
cracks in the bilge ribs.
Other front runners
- 42 (The meaning of life, the universe, and everything - maybe too obscure)
- Vita Brevis (Life is Short in Latin)
- Therapy
- Exit Strategy
I could also use Bigger Picture (after my current Big Picture Mirage 24)
I was tempted to go with 'Handbasket' - as in 'Where are we going..... And how
are we going to get there' - but don't want the negative implications it
Any brilliant and witty thoughts (or critiques) welcome
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album