Most of the tension and compression strength in a hull thickness is at the 
inner and outer edges. The balsa/foam/core cell? (that's not the right word, 
but my brain is full at the moment) is a lightweight centre to keep the outside 
and inside strength members apart. (like the web of a "H" beam keeps the outer 
flanges apart - where most of the stiffness resides.

sam :-)
C&C 26 Liquorice 
Ghost Lake Alberta 

  Original Message  
Sent: Saturday, March 1, 2014 6:24 PM
Reply To:
Subject: Re: Stus-List Help understanding composites

yes, clearly balsa would rot when wet where as the core cell would not. 
Presumably the latter would just delaminate much like a blister? Is the 
advantage of the foam core that any moisture intrusion would be more localized? 
Is there a weight and/or cost benefit? I would guess the balsa would have 
greater insulating properties however the foam would add some strength?

So much knowledge on this list....


Sent from my iPad

> On Mar 1, 2014, at 4:29 PM, "dwight" <> wrote:
> Balsa core rots when it gets wet but it is quite strong on end if
> ebcapsutaed but a solid surface like a several layers of glass matt in cured
> polyester or other resin...aligned E glass fibers used with knowledge of
> where the stresses are highest offer more tensile strength than chopped
> strand and consequently less are required so lighter weight construction can
> result and have the same or better strength. Kevlar fibers have very high
> tensile strength and used as Kevlar matt in a resin laminate has good
> resistance to impact damage and is also very lightweight, carbon fibers are
> very lightweight and have high tensile strength as well, but the best
> results are achieved with proper alignment of the fibers corresponding to
> the direction of highest stress
> Just a guess
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: March 1, 2014 3:27 PM
> To:
> Subject: Stus-List Help understanding composites
> I'm but an accountant not an engineer. Help me understand this stuff..
> So if I use a 1990 34+ as the baseline, the hull was a composite of vinyl
> resin, presumably glass matt and chopped strand, balsa core and Kevlar.
> Now fast forward to 2000 and my early 121. The glass Matt has been replaced
> by E glass, balsa has been replaced by core cell, glass strand remains to
> add bulk and the Kevlar remains. Presumably this provides a lighter hull as
> the e glass is stronger than matt, core cell is lighter than balsa and
> requires less resin and the Kevlar remains the same.
> Fast forward another 10 years and we have epoxy, reinforced with carbon
> which does the job of Kevlar, matt, e glass and strand. The core cell
> remains.
> Am I even close?
> John
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