Oops, make that 1.5 oz where ever I said 1 oz.

I think the changes in materials over the years makes less of a difference
that what Graham said, "From hand layup, to vacuum bagging, to resin
infusion and/or pre-preg."  Reducing the amount of resin using
these techniques results in a hull that is just as strong yet lighter.

Ken H.

On 1 March 2014 20:20, Ken Heaton <kenhea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The schedule for the 1990 37+
> Below the waterline the layup was one layer 1 oz. chop, one layer 1 oz.
> mat and one layer of C77K/200 Kevlar Fabmat (a blend of fibreglass and
> kevlar 49) outside the balsa and one layer of C72K/100 Kevlar Fabmat
> inside.  This Fabmat is much heavier than the 1 oz. chop and 1 oz. mat at
> about 2.47 oz. for the C72K/100 and 4.94 oz. for the C77K/200.  This was
> over 10 oz. per sq. ft. of reinforcing material not counting the resin.
> The layup was much heavier at the turn of the bilge across the (almost)
> flat bottom of the hull to the keel sump as an additional two layers of
> C77/200 Kevlar Fabmat were added and further, in the keel sump, the balsa
> was replaced with two layers of Compositex.  This was over 20 oz. per sq.
> ft. of reinforcing material not counting the resin.
> Ken H.
> On 1 March 2014 15:27, j...@svpaws.net <j...@svpaws.net> wrote:
>> I'm but an accountant not an engineer. Help me understand this stuff..
>> So if I use a 1990 34+ as the baseline, the hull was a composite of vinyl
>> resin, presumably glass matt and chopped strand, balsa core and Kevlar.
>> Now fast forward to 2000 and my early 121.  The glass Matt has been
>> replaced by E glass, balsa has been replaced by core cell, glass strand
>> remains to add bulk and the Kevlar remains.  Presumably this provides a
>> lighter hull as the e glass is stronger than matt, core cell is lighter
>> than balsa and requires less resin and the Kevlar remains the same.
>> Fast forward another 10 years and we have epoxy, reinforced with carbon
>> which does the job of Kevlar, matt, e glass and strand.  The core cell
>> remains.
>> Am I even close?
>> John
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