Just a note on AC brands.  I started out with a Mermaid 16K reverse cycle
unit I installed in1999.  Sent it back to Mermaid for repair twice in 8
years.  Switched to a Cruisair 16K reverse cycle 6 or 7 years ago and sold
the Mermaid on eBay.  The Cruisair has run without a burp since install.

My buddy here is the "go to" guy for refrigeration and AC installs and
repairs.  He is the Cruisair factory repair tech for this area.  He works
on all brands, Mermaid, MarineAir, etc.  He swears by Cruisair.

Dennis C.

On Mon, Feb 17, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Kim Brown <kimcbr...@comcast.net> wrote:

> Chuck
> Late to this party but- FWIW our 35-3 has a 9k unit from mermaid (they are
> local so no shipping...). It is intentionally undersized so we can run it
> off our Honda 2000 at anchor. Great once the sun goes down but it loses the
> battle mid afternoon in the 90's. The 9k also fit better in the hanging
> locker where we could vent easily to the v-berth and main cabin. Pay
> attention to the space needed for all the air handling bits and pieces. The
> larger the unit the larger those bits and pieces need to be. We spent the
> xtra for the reverse cycle. It adds a lot of flexibility though we consider
> 50's to be winter here. (sunny and headed to 80 today....) Don't know about
> others but the thermostats we started with never lasted more than a year or
> 2- just not marine ready. So I finally just bought a Honeywell hockey puck
> and as it is all mechanical it has been just fine.
> Kim Brown
> Trust Me!!! 35-3
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