Just like with refrigeration it is all about the heat in and the heat out.
My forward hatch lets sssooo much heat and light in that my 16000 has
trouble keeping up.  In fact I'm sure all my skyward facing hatches and
ports are heating the place up.  If I close off just the aft berth then I
can survive through the night.  I'm sure it has to do with acclimation as
well.  Someone from the tropics would probably be putting on a sweater
saying that anything below 85F is too cold.

To answer my heat in problem I'm having port and hatch covers made that are
insulated and dark out lined.  I'll find out this summer if it makes a

Remember unless you plan very carefully and size your systems appropriately
you will only be able to run the A/C while on shore power.

Get a March 3 seawater pump too.

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
1989 C&C 37+
Solomons, MD
On Feb 16, 2014 3:38 PM, "j...@svpaws.net" <j...@svpaws.net> wrote:

> Really depends on where you are.  I had a 12k unit on the 34+ years ago
> and it was marginal in Jul/Aug in NJ.  If you have room and power for 16k
> don't screw around.
> John
> Sent from my iPad
> On Feb 16, 2014, at 3:25 PM, Chuck S <cscheaf...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Hey listers,
> A friend says 12000BTU is the right size for my 36 footer.  He speaks from
> experience so I value his opinion.
> But it's February, I got time, and I just want to be sure, cause a 16000
> fits in the same space and I don't want to be undersized.
> FWIW, Defender is showing my unit on "Miami Boat Show" sale for the same
> price it appears in their 2014 catalogue.  I love Defender, but damn,
> that's sleezy.  I was hoping to get this installed before Spring, but guess
> I'll wait till their March Madness Sale?
> Chuck
> Resolute
> 1990 C&C 34R
> Atlantic City, NJ
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