Great tale!


> On Jan 8, 2014, at 11:08, Andrew Burton <> wrote:
> So there I was, sailing a Swan 65 out of Bermuda, home to Newport for repair 
> one cool March day. The crew who got her to Bermuda had shredded the main and 
> ruined the engine, among other things, so we literally sailed out the cut at 
> St Georges under 110% jib, staysail, storm trysail and mizzen. It was a 
> rather arduous trip; each day brought at least 40 knot winds at some point. 
> On the afternoon of the second day, we were becalmed in the north wall of the 
> Gulf Stream, heading for England at 3 knots with the current, just slatting 
> in big leftover chop. Clouds moved in and lightning started booming all 
> around. BAM! BAM! All around us for a couple of hours. And there was only one 
> thing sticking up in the air in a hundred-mile radius. I started to get a 
> little nervous...well, I kind of lost it...and started shaking my fist and 
> yelling "f*** you" at the sky after every ZOT! much to the amusement of my 
> crew, who were watching and laughing from the companionway. 
> Yelling at the sky proved be a less than well thought out plan, as it soon 
> started raining. But the wind came back with the rain, so all was not lost 
> and we started reaching along on starboard tack at 8.5 - 9 knots straight 
> toward home. As we got closer and the water got colder, the wind started 
> heading us and the rain turned to sleet. 30 hours later, at two AM we were 
> beating into 30 knots of wind on the final approach to Newport in wet, 
> blinding snow.
> I saw a pair of lights on a fast boat going by; white over red; the pilot 
> boat. I called on channel 14 and the skipper came back, "This is the pilot 
> boat NE Pilot on channel 14; is that you, Andy?" 
> I answered in the affirmative and after some chat about our relative 
> intelligence, he said, "Do you see that 650-foot car carrier off your port 
> quarter" 
> "No." 
> "Well I think he thinks you're me and he's trying to go alongside you. You 
> might want to tack."
> Back on deck we put the helm down and were once again dumped on by the inches 
> of snow shaken from the windward side of the jib. 
> Several tacks later, we were at the entrance to Newport Harbor as dawn was 
> breaking. The wind had eased, though the snow hadn't, and we were looking 
> forward to getting into warm beds at home. The plan was to pick up a mooring 
> and wait for the launch service to start, but we figured no one in their 
> right minds would be down to pick us up for hours (this was before cell 
> phones were ubiquitous), so we decided we could go alongside at the Yachting 
> Center. 
> Approaching at about half a knot to maintain steerage in the now light airs, 
> we had the lines all set to go. The aft spring would be most important to 
> secure to stop the boat from hitting the steel bulkhead a few boat-lengths in 
> front of us. One of the crew jumped down to the dock with the spring and 
> immediately landed flat on her back in 6" of snow. As she was dragging along 
> the dock at half a knot head first, still on her back--Swan 65s carry their 
> way very well--I said to her, "Anytime with that spring, Joanie." She looked 
> me in the eye and started swearing at me as she shivered along. 
> Eventually we got tied up with no further ado and adjourned to the Handy 
> Lunch, where many eggs and gallons of coffee and tea were downed.
> Andy
> C&C 40
> Peregrine
> PS Joanie was next seen entering the Whitbread Race and sailing amongst the 
> icebergs in the Southern Ocean. She forgave me for the snowy trip.
>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Andrew Burton <> 
>> wrote:
>> this is what I use on chilly nights and days. I get about 6 hours on high 
>> out of one of those little tanks of propane. It works quite well
>> Andy
>> C&C 40
>> Peregrine
>>> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Rich Knowles <> wrote:
>>> Joe, can you not get hold of one of those alcohol or propane tent warmers? 
>>> I think Coleman makes them among others.
>>> Rich Knowles
>>> Halifax, NS.
>>> On Jan 8, 2014, at 10:12 AM, Della Barba, Joe <> 
>>> wrote:
>>> Sure wishing I had some heat onboard
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>>> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
>> -- 
>> Andrew Burton
>> 61 W Narragansett Ave
>> Newport, RI
>> USA 02840
>> phone  +401 965 5260
> -- 
> Andrew Burton
> 61 W Narragansett Ave
> Newport, RI
> USA 02840
> phone  +401 965 5260
> _______________________________________________
> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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