So sailing really is a spectator sport...I would love to have had a ticket
for that one

-----Original Message-----
From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Wally
Sent: January 5, 2014 7:17 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List single handed docking; People Watching

Yeah...  I actually got it perfect twice with a big audience.  The most 
memorable was pulling into a new marina for the first time ever, and 
discovered a center cockpit Catalina/Morgan 45 in my 36 foot slip.  Full 
reverse.  (I was too busy to blow my horn three times.)  They were 
actually supposed to be on the other finger, but pulled the boat over to 
my slip because they were waxing the hull.  And they had dock lines like 
a spider web all over the place, so I couldn't even take *their* slip.  
I backed up and side tied to the end of a finger, and then expressed my 
feelings in an eloquent fashion. <VBG>  (How many times can you use the 
A word, the F word, and the S word in the same sentence?)

After about ten minutes of scrambling, the slip was clear.  I told them 
I was going to go out, come back in, and pretend it never happened.

Now, I don't know the beam on a Cat/Morgan 45, nor do I know why a boat 
that big was in a 36 foot slip.  But it extended 10 feet into the narrow 
fairway, and took up way too much room.  By this point there were about 
30 people standing on the dock watching.  The owner of the big boat was 
hiding, but his wife was on the stern waving a a boat hook in my face.  
I did the perfect 30 degree entrance, spun the wheel at the last moment 
and slammed into reverse for 1/2 second to let the prop walk do its 
thing and stop the boat and spin it just a touch**.

The crowd went wild.


  Richard N. Bush wrote:
> Wally I had to chuckle when I saw your post; we call it the "People
Watching Rule; The amount of difficulty one encounters while docking is
directly proportional to the number of people watching"

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