agree with martin deyoung c&c 43 calipso put fender out on both sides...we use 4 large fenders on each side plus light center cleat brest line...our dock at times heavy eratic cross currents plus often or not, beam well over last 20yrs ..NEVER ever give bow line to anyone... will pull your bow into dock.&you will have little control...we keep coiled and last line to be cleated by us...biggest problem on occasion side drift to boat sharing well ..seldom happens when prepared ...keep our cleanest fenders to face boat sharing well...have had to sail in to slip a number of times in past ..various engine problems..most often after long distance overnight races...on these occasion s usually had crew of ...9 to 11 but.. had to have well rehearsed instructions ...repeated back to cockpit captain until those needed had totally clear...single handed docking is a matter of a plan..what ever situation ...has worked well for many years on a heavy 42 ft mostly cruising. if decide to back into facilitate unloading lot of gear etc.always put out extra.two large stern fenders..which had to be taken from storage below &inflated....we learned a lot of this many years ago.from r ryders c&c50 .and van meters.. runningtide a s&s 63 raceboats..if looking for ideas check out larger big boats..not just similar size....
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