It is great hearing all of the encouragement to do the ICW.  Honestly I
have resisted any inclination simply because of the inability to sail.
What are people's thoughts on the merits of sailing vs. those of the ICW?

Josh Muckley
S/V Sea Hawk
On Nov 26, 2013 10:40 AM, "Rick Brass" <> wrote:

> Certainly.
> Beaufort is only a bit over an hour drive, and it won't be raining after
> tomorrow around noonish. Of course, that's if you believe NOAA.
> Where do you plan to dock/anchor in the Morehead/Beaufort area?
> If you're in the Pungo River and making 6.7 KT, it will probably take you
> another 8 hours or so to make Beaufort. If the weather gets snotty you
> might
> duck into Oriental and lay over there. From there to Beaufort or Morehead
> would be about 5 hours after the weather clears up.
> Give me a call at 252-946-2244 and we will work out the logistics.
> Rick Brass
> Washington, NC
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Andrew
> Burton
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 10:08 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Andrew running the ditch south
> Rick, I'd love to get together for a libation. Not sure what time we'll be
> in tonight; can you get away tomorrow night?
> Andy
> Andrew Burton
> 61 W Narragansett
> Newport, RI
> USA    02840
> _______________________________________________
> This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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