Right,now I remember more: it was just that C&C gave the Rhode Island plant
the ZCC desigantion when it opened in 1974 and the NOL plant got CCY, so my
35 MKII, hull 242, which was built in 02/74 got CCY in its serial numeber
because it was apparently built a matter of day(s) after the RI palnt
opened in Feb 1974 and got the ZCC designation.

My 35 MKII hull serial number is: CCY 352420274

Dwight Veinot
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS

On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Bill Bina <billb...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>  Despite the never-ending confusion over how the numbering system works,
> no (none) 35's were ever built in Rhode Island. You would need the molds
> for that, and they were always in Canada. The numbering system really isn't
> that complicated, but people seem to go crazy trying to figure it out
> anyway. :-)
> Bill Bina
> On 11/26/2013 3:32 PM, dwight veinot wrote:
>  Jim
> That was solved earlier, apparently the RI plant was opened in Feb 1974
> right in the middle of the 35 MKII production run: I can’t remember who but
> someone on this list explained that and what was previously the NOL letters
> became the RI letters in the ser. no. or something like that, so some of
> the 147 35 MKII's appear to have been built in Canada and some in the US
>   Dwight Veinot
>  Alianna
> C&C 35 MKII
>  Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
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