It's relatively easy to install real oil pressure and temp gauges on a Yanmar 2GM20. I rehabbed the unused A4 gauges that were on my current boat so that they worked with the diesel. Mostly, it involves installing new sensors on the engine, which doesn't cost much, then running new wiring.

I'd much rather see the actual numbers than rely on buzzers.

Jack Brennan
Former C&C 25
Shanachie, 1974 Bristol 30
Tierra Verde, Fl.

-----Original Message----- From: Rich Knowles
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Stus-List I need a little help with a sender.

Yes. The sensor connects the wire to ground when there is no oil pressure and that sounds the buzzer. If the sensor is defective, it will not connect the wire to ground and the buzzer will not sound.

So... If you connect the wire to ground, you are doing what the sensor should do, and the buzzer will sound. If the buzzer does then sound, the sensor is faulty.


On Oct 30, 2013, at 10:25, Curtis <> wrote:

"to connect the wire on the sensor to the engine block. The buzzer
should sound. If it does sound, the sensor is faulty. If there is
still no buzzer, you have some other wiring problem which we can
discuss then."

This Is what you said . Is this correct?

On 10/30/13, Rich Knowles <> wrote:
The buzzer should sound when the engine oil pressure is low or zero and when
the engine is stopped. The sensor is a normally closed switch which means
that, in a rest position with no oil pressure, it connects the wire on it to the engine block which is ground. To diagnose, Turn on the key, do NOT start the engine, and use a screwdriver or piece of wire etc. to connect the wire
on the sensor to the engine block. The buzzer should sound. If it does
sound, the sensor is faulty. If there is still no buzzer, you have some
other wiring problem which we can discuss then.

Rich Knowles
Indigo LF38
Halifax. NS

On Oct 30, 2013, at 9:57, Curtis <> wrote:

I have a question about my newly installed 2GM20F.
I just installed this engine last month. It came with its own
electrical panel and looms. It was a good running take out, from
another sailboat
The Buzzer in the old engine I took out would sound the second I
turned the key on. Once I pushed the start button and gained oil
pressure the buzzer would turn off. The new engine does not do that? I
am afraid to run the engine long as I may or may not have oil
pressure. So here is the question. Is there a way to check the
pressure switch with a meter? It screws into the block just under the
oil filter base and has one wire connected to it.  I know the buzzer
is good. It will sound with the toggle switch on the interments panel.
So I need to know if there is a way to test the switch. And please
explain step by step. I know nothing about electrical stuff. I am
trying to learn and I am reading a lot of books and watching u-tube
how to vid to try to get better at it.
Thanks for your help.
Capt. Curt

“Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat

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“Sailors, with their built in sense of order, service and discipline,
should really be running the world.” - Nicholas Monsarrat

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