The coupling on ours is cast steel. 
A 14" or an 18" Pipe wrench on the coupling inside or on a zinc mounted to 
shaft, wedged under hull? 
Throwable cushions are handy to have when working in tight places. You can lay 
on them or place one under a wrench handle to protect the hull. 

You can press the shaft out of the coupling by separating the coupling and 
sliding the prop shaft back enough to place a deep socket between the trans 
shaft and prop shaft. Then use longer bolts 4" or 5" cap screws and nuts to 
pull the coupling halves together and push the prop shaft out of the rear 
coupling flange. 

1990 C&C 34R 
Atlantic City, NJ 
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Watts" <> 
To:, "1 CnC List" <> 
Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2013 5:21:35 PM 
Subject: Re: Stus-List keep the prop shaft from turning 

If you are out of the water, you can also wedge something like a 2X4 between 
the prop blade and the hull. 

On 26 October 2013 14:17, Wally Bryant < > wrote: 

Eric - I assume you're on the hard. I've wrapped a good rag or other such thing 
around my prop shaft and clamped down hard with a big set of vice grips against 
the hull. 


Eric Frank wrote: 

I am changing the bellows on a PYI dripless "stuffing box" and need to keep the 
prop shaft from turning in order to loosen the bolts connecting the shaft to 
the transmission. 

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Jim Watts 
Paradigm Shift 
C&C 35 Mk III 
Victoria, BC 

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