Guys, We did this installation last year just like the pictures here
show.... however, we used a bolt to anchor one of the holes in the inside
flange and bonded the mast, etc. to it for safety reasons.


Years of tinkering with an auto bilge pump with separate battery and then
failing that, a once a week visit to use the car battery and long wires to
run the pump for a few seconds just got tired..... d this and forget it,
don't forget to take the plug out though.


Ron C.



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Hoyt,
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Installing a garboard drain plug on 38MkII




There is no vertical drilling.  In all the pictures you have seen the hole
is drilled in the keel stub above the lead portion of the keel.


Garbord drains are common practice at the boat yard where we launch our
boats.  Most are the Perko ones you have shown in the Dan.Pfeiffer link.
The purpose in our boatyard is to prevent water buildup in the bilge but
there will still be some water there up to the leve of the bottom of the
drain hole.  


I used stainless screws but perhaps should have used bronze.  Also set in
Epoxy in one case and in 3M 5200 in the otehr and faired over using
thickened epoxy.  Some owners do not fair around the flange.  It is
basically no different than a thru hull.





From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Petar
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:42 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Installing a garboard drain plug on 38MkII

When you say installed, you mean drilled.


So would you drill vertically down in the bildge, then horizontally from
outside so the two holes meet, then oversize the outside to accommodate the
plug housing?

Drain plug housing I am looking at has four retaining bolt holes.  Seems not
a good idea to put self tapping screws there, so that means you need to
through-bolt. And if that's so, how do you put washers and nuts on the


Even if I didn't drill vertically down it seems that you can't encompass
lowest point in the bildge, have horizontal drain plug and through-bolt all
four retaining bolts.    So What gives?


These pics are pretty good, but it looks like he just put self tapping
bronze screws.



From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Joel
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Stus-List Installing a garboard drain plug on 38MkII


mine with as installed from the outside.  Not smooth, but not a big deal.
Much lower than if it were installed from inside.






On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 2:16 PM, Petar Horvatic <> wrote:

Does anyone have pics or advice on how best to install a garboard drain

Shallow bildge and external lead keel make it pretty difficult to have
something that is flush on the outside yet encompass the lowest point in the
bildge to allow water to drain.


Petar Horvatic


76 C&C 38MkII

Newport, RI






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