No controversy. He was overpowered. 18 to 20 true is 24 to 26 apparent. A big genoa and no reef is going to set the boat on its side, even with a shoe!

I have the stiffest C&C, a 30-1. I drop to the number 2 (about 140) before 15 true, then reef. Then drop to the number 3 at about 20 true (I only have one reef - we are on the Chesapeake). Over 20 degrees with the old style keel and rudder (think fat shark) loses efficiency, promotes round-ups and gets everybody wet.

Gary Nylander

----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Abbott" <>
To: <>
Cc: "OldSteveH" <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2013 10:28 AM
Subject: Stus-List C&C 34


I am going to throw one at the list that should raise some controversy. There was a C&C 34 at our club....the owner was a coastal cruiser, felt the boat was a little tender for that purpose so he had a 'shoe added to the keel' .

We were both in Halifax harbor....about 18 to 20 knts true and 3' seas.....I only had my 110% Sobstad up and he had a larger headsail (I count not be sure if it was a 135% or 150%) and his main sail.

The wind was building.....he was coming in, I was going out. When we passed each other, he turned around to come back with me upwind. .....his boat was overpowered......flogging his main.....rounding up in the gusts.

I constantly pulled away from him.....he hung in for about 20 minutes and then gave up.

I can't speak for the 34 but my boat can not carry a 150% (plus a main) in 20 knts true.

Let the fun begin.

Bob Abbott\
C&C 32 - 84
Halifax, N.S.

On 2013/10/07 10:23 PM, OldSteveH wrote:
That's a great list Dennis.  I do most of those things but forgot about
moving the genoa sheet aft, that's a good one.
The other thing I do which is not on your list is to feather off the main
and carry some luff when we're overpowered, re-trimming as opportunity
allows. From  now on I will ease the genoa car back first.

Per other comment about heel the 34 seems to be comfortable carrying 20
degrees of heel and still point and keep up her speed. Guestimating the
performance at 25 to be similar to 15, I have generally decided to reef when
I am constantly over 25 and there are no more sail trim adjustments

Last Sat we were able to keep the #1 up in 20 knots true (25-26 apparent). I'm certain we could not have placed as well without it. BTW only 4 aboard,
not much railmeat to help out!

Dennis, I have an inboard track and also a coach roof track for the #3.
I'm not seeing what advantage leading the #1 from the toerail will give
except to limit how close the sail can be sheeted, but also taking away my
ability to adjust the car position.

Steve Hood
S/V Diamond Girl
C&C 34
Lions Head ON

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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