That will be a great trip!  I hope that works out for you!  I'd be envious!  Lol
I would say, if all goes through with the purchase, try and find a good, 
reputable diesel mechanic to go though the engine, tune it change out all the 
lubricants check all the pumps and any other maintenance items.  That way you 
have a better chance of that thing working when you want it to.  Maybe the 
savings associated with the delivery could allow you the luxury of a good 
engine inspection and maintenance.  And that is something that will benefit the 
boat.  The shipping dollars don't do that.  

Good luck on the next steps!


From my Android phone

-------- Original message --------
From: "Dr. Mark Bodnar" <> 
Date: 09/13/2013  11:11 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
Subject: Re: Stus-List New Boat 

I'm starting to think the same thing.  Sent Andrew a message to see if 
he's interested.  I thought that trucking it back would be simpler, and 
while I've not ruled it out, the boat will be an "oversize load" and 
require special permits.  That might be a bigger pain in the ass than 
juggling weather.
My concerns about the time of year might be alleviated by the fact that 
hurricane season will be done soon.  Now that still leaves lots of 
northerly winds to fight up the coast of NS (rather than the nice mid 
summer downwind run).  But if I'm stuck for time I could always meet a 
delivery skipper part way or bail out early and get a ride home.


   Dr. Mark Bodnar
B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
Bedford Chiropractic

There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
   - George Santayana

On 12/09/2013 10:36 AM, wrote:
> How about a delivery captain sailing it back for you, or better yet, with 
> you?  You'd get a crash course and probably some really valuable experience 
> under the tutelage of a seasoned salty dawg...  Maybe that same someone could 
> survey the boat as well?  Just a thought...
> We happen to have just such a character on this list somewhere!
> Danny
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: "Dr. Mark Bodnar" <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List New Boat
> Date: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 01:43:56 -0300
> Does anyone know the total height of a C&C29 mk2?
> I just guessed at 11 ft for the purpose of getting bids - I figure
> pretty close - 5'3" draft and 6 ft interior headroom (starting ~12"
> below water level) then extra for bow and stern pulpit.
> As for the shipping comments - I need to sort out the best solution.
> Sailing it back would be fun - but maybe not functional for my time
> frame.  I agree, if the boat is not in shape it's better to walk away -
> but I'm nervous about doing my first open water transit in a new (to me)
> boat.
> I'm looking at the prices - and I'll have to think hard about the
> challenges of towing ourselves.  The truck is brand new with a towing
> package.  The trailer is a heavy duty trailer, used to carry
> mini-excavators.  I figure we'll total about 9000lbs.
> BTW - I've gotten a comment about the mast step being an expensive
> repair - is this a common problem with the 29's?
> Mark
> ---------------------
>     Dr. Mark Bodnar
> B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
> Bedford Chiropractic
> ---------------------
> There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
>     - George Santayana
> On 11/09/2013 11:02 AM, Hoyt, Mike wrote:
>> Mark
>> Marine Cradle Shop in Oakville can make you a cradle that will fit.
>> Plan on approx $1300   You are going to need one anyway.
>> I trucked my J27 home on a cradle mounted on flatbed trailer.  I draws
>> 4.9 feet but has lower freeboard than C&C29.  Find out the height from
>> top of cabin/stanhions to bottom of keel and add that to trailer deck
>> height.  Plan on flatbed trailer weighing approx 2000 lbs and add that
>> to boat disp to ensure you are well under tow capacity of the truck.
>> Take all registration papers for trailer with you as customs is far more
>> touchy about the trailer coming to canada than they are about a boat
>> Have fun.
>> Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dr.
>> Mark Bodnar
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 8:39 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Stus-List New Boat
>> Ok.  So I'm throwing caution into the wind, at least a bit.
>> I have an accepted offer on the C&C29 Mk2 in Maine that I mentioned to
>> the list a while back.
>> For $8000.
>> Having looked a several boats locally (2 C&C29's I quite liked but
>> neither would settle for less than $20K, plus a few other boats), and
>> given the various options avail I decided that this was my best option.
>> I think I would have liked to get the CS30, but doubtful they would have
>> dropped the price to where I would have wanted it.
>> Little risky making an offer on an unseen boat. I feel like I almost
>> can't go wrong for $8000.  Thank's to Bill for trying to get out to see
>> it.  The seller has been good about giving me info on the boat, and as
>> best I can tell (emails and a phone conversation) seems honest -- I may
>> regret that assumption, but the offer is contingent on a survey - so if
>> there are any major issues then I'll likely just walk away.  I likely
>> wouldn't bother with a survey if I was able to see it personally, but I
>> think it's prudent in this case, and will also give me a heads up on
>> issues I need to address once I have the boat in my possession.
>> Now the logistics.  Bill Burketts suggested a surveyor in the area (not
>> sure how close) - Gene Barnes.  Anyone have any other suggestions?
>> Plus the issue of getting the boat home.  I've posted a listing on
>> uShip, but we are thinking about just going and hauling it back. I have
>> access to a truck that can haul 10-11000lbs, and access to a trailer
>> that can hold 14000lbs (I need to confirm that these will work
>> together!)
>> The boat is currently on jack stands.  I'm thinking either I buy or
>> borrow a local cradle.
>> Does anyone have measurements on the proper cradle base size and pad
>> spacing for a 29 II?
>> There is a steel cradle for sale not far away
>> ilboat-Cradle-for-Sale-W0QQAdIdZ509847290
>> I'm trying to figure out if it will fit the boat properly - seems short
>> to me.
>> For that matter - anyone near Halifax have a sailboat trailer that would
>> fit a C&C 29? Or know of any at their club that might be avail for rent?
>> Or a cradle I could rent?
>> Mark
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