I've sailed a lot of twin helmed Benneteau's and Jenneau's while chartering. I like how they open up the cockpit; Give straight through access to the transom deck; Provide a space for the helmsman that's out of the cockpit traffic ; Put you out to weather when you're on the helm. I've also sailed a C&C 115 with the biggest mf helm you ever saw. Lovely boat to sail but when in port the cockpit space is a pain in the arse. Remember you spend a lot of time on the dock. Think about the sort of sailing you do and who you do it with. Do you spend a lot of time in dock/ in the cockpit? Are you a racer? Sail a twin helmed boat - it might be just what you / your wife is looking for! (if it's good enough for Dennis Connor etc. etc.. sam :-)
I sailed a double helm Pacer 42 from Tortola to Bermuda. (It's pretty much a fat-transomed South African sled). From a driving perspective, the double helm is really nice. You can be high side or low side depending on your preference and sight line requirements. So basically, if you go the double helm route, budget for dual instrument displays and you'll be happy.However, unless you're going to duplicate all instruments at each helm, you may end up moving between them more more than you'd like to. Putting the instruments in the centre is a compromise that just means you won't be able to see the instruments from either helm seat. Keep in mind that we all wear polarized sunglasses - so looking at the instruments from an angle all the time will really piss you off in a hurry. Cheers, Colin On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 11:12 AM, Wally Bryant <w...@wbryant.com> wrote: Double your pleasure, double your fun, with Doublemint Doublemint Doublemint gum. (Sorry, but when I was 3 years old I had a real crush on those animated twins that danced across the TV... |
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