You are correct that you get a response from the Seatow station that receives 
your signal, which could be next door or 20 nm away (which is the case in my 
area). However, the system also plays back the message that you send out, so 
you can listen to your own radio and judge how well your radio is working. 
Which I find preferable.


When I was in the Chesapeake in June and July, there was constant chatter on 16 
as various yahoos called every 30 seconds or so for a radio check. So much 
traffic made it hard to get a hail (let alone a distress call) in edgewise.



Rick Brass

Washington, NC




From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Indigo
Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2013 11:42 AM
To: Dennis C.;
Subject: Re: Stus-List Boating terms



Re Automatic Radio Check - not sure how it works where you are, but I believe 
that you only get a response from the NEAREST Seatow (or BoatUS) station. I 
prefer to ask others on radio watch to help me gauge the reach of my 
transmission - which hopefully is farther than the Seatow station next door. - 
Am I wrong?



Indigo C&C 35III


On Aug 30, 2013, at 18:52, "Dennis C." <> wrote:

The Admiral and I are taking Touche' back to Lake Pontchartrain from Pensacola 
this weekend.  Just thought I'd share some terms I became re-acquainted with 
over the summer.

Redundant boating phrases

- Stupid party barge driver
- Arrogant power boater
- Ignorant express cruiser owner

Terms unknown to power boaters

- no wake zone
- dead slow
- idle speed


Actions unknown to seemingly every power boater and many sail

boat owners


- Automated radio check on VHF Channel XX

- Proper anchoring technique

Anybody got some more?  Rant on!!

Dennis C.
Touche' 35-1 #83
Mandeville, LA

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