I think that's how it is on my 40, too.

Andrew Burton
PO Box 632
Newport, RI 
USA 02840

+401 965 5260

On Aug 28, 2013, at 8:45, Indigo <ind...@thethomsons.us> wrote:

> Marek
> You don't specify the C&C model, but if you have anything like mine. You have 
> to remove two small bolts that hold the compass light, then lift off the 
> stainless compass housing. That will give you access to the long bolts that 
> hold the top pieces of the binnacle together
> --
> Jonathan
> Indigo C&C 35III
> On Aug 28, 2013, at 8:19, "Marek Dziedzic" <dziedzi...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I bet that this topic has been discussed, but I would appreciate some hints.
>> I have a problem with the transmission lever/cable - the transmission barely 
>> engages (and sometimes does not), when I switch to forward - the lever hits 
>> the binnacle. The easy option would be to make adjustments at the 
>> transmission end; however, I am at the end of the adjustments.
>> I looked, briefly, at removing the compass, but I could not find any bolts 
>> or other fasteners that hold it to the pedestal.
>> I would appreciate any hints on how to remove the compass, so that I could 
>> get into the belly of the pedestal and adjust the transmission cable.
>> thanks
>> Marek Dziedzic
>> in Ottawa
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