‎I had the same problem for a couple of seasons. 
Would always crank eventually, but those first 2 or 3 presses of the button with just a click were
not reassuring. 
I ended up replacing all my main power cables - 5 in all - I have 2 batteries and a 1,2,All power switch. Purchased them pre made, off the shelf for about $90.
Could have been the ground connections, or corrosion along the wires. But decided 30 years was a good life expectancy and renewed the lot.

sam :-) 403-617-6280
From: Ronald B. Frerker
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 8:56 AM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Reply To: Ronald B. Frerker
Subject: Re: Stus-List Yanmar starting

I had a similar problem where I had to punch the start button 6-8 times to get the starter to crank.  Had already replaced the starter button.  Finally would just click and then go dead; not even the buzzer.
Ended up being corrosion inside the sheathing in the battery cables.  Cut back a few inches of cable until it was clean and now seems to start immediately.
Apparently the corrosion among the copper strands has enough resistance that it heats up and sucks the battery power enough so it won't have the potential to flip the solenoid.
Wild Cheri

From: Brent Driedger <bren...@highspeedcrow.ca>
To: C&C List Canada <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Sent: Monday, August 5, 2013 8:38 PM
Subject: Stus-List Yanmar starting

Hey everyone.
My Yanmar 1GM10 is slowly getting more and more difficult to start. With full battery charge, good ground and contact, I'm finding the only way to get the starter to spin is to give quick taps to the start button. If I hold it, it just saps the power system and everything shuts down briefly. Is this a sign of the starter becoming weak?

Brent D
C&C 27-5
Lake Winnipeg

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