It's not a fix, but I used to start my 1GM with a hand crank back in
the days when I inadvertently left my battery switch in the "Both"

Harder to do that now with my Perkins 4-236


On 8/5/13, Josh Muckley <> wrote:
> Yes, probably the starter.  It could be a couple of repairable things
> though.  I think the most likely is the brushes and commutator.  Brushes
> are pretty easy to replace and the commutator can be polished up.  The
> circuit between the brushes and commutator needs to be solid for the
> solenoid to have enough current to pull the fork that throws the drive gear
> into the flywheel.  If you want to save a buck or are in dire need you can
> disassemble and repair the starter but for the time and effort required it
> is probably better to have it rebuilt or replaced.
> The wife and I were in a foreign Spanish port when the starter on the boat
> we were chartering failed.  We managed to disassemble the whole starter and
> cleaned out all the carbon dust and dirt.  We cleaned the commutator with
> the only thing we had, balsamic vinegar.  The brushes were worn and needed
> replaced but the cleaning managed to get us started.
> You might also check the quality of the connections and wires powering your
> starter.
> Josh
> --
> When privacy matters.
> On Aug 5, 2013 9:38 PM, "Brent Driedger" <> wrote:
>> Hey everyone.
>> My Yanmar 1GM10 is slowly getting more and more difficult to start. With
>> full battery charge, good ground and contact, I'm finding the only way to
>> get the starter to spin is to give quick taps to the start button. If I
>> hold it, it just saps the power system and everything shuts down briefly.
>> Is this a sign of the starter becoming weak?
>> Brent D
>> C&C 27-5
>> Lake Winnipeg
>> Sent from my iPhone
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