That makes sense - assuming the filter works as designed. Mine came from the PO 
so is at least 10 years old. Hopefully the filters don't have expiry dates!

Indigo C&C 35III

On Aug 12, 2013, at 9:39, Josh Muckley <> wrote:

> The directions that came with mine suggest pouring 1-2 cups of water in the 
> bottom of the funnel.  This lifts the fuel off the bottom so that it can get 
> through the filter.  If you measure the before and after water, the 
> difference is the amount that came out of the fuel.  There are oil absorbing 
> booms that only retain oil.  If it makes you more comfortable pour the left 
> over water through one of these before discharging.
> Josh
> -- 
> When privacy matters.
> On Aug 12, 2013 8:03 AM, "Indigo" <> wrote:
>> I have what I think is a Baja filter. I like the idea of filtering the fuel, 
>> but because of its design (maybe mine is old and the design improved) I 
>> always have perhaps a quarter cup of fuel / water / junk left in the filter 
>> after using it.  What do you do with these remnants?
>> --
>> Jonathan
>> Indigo C&C 35III
>> On Aug 12, 2013, at 6:36, "Jake Brodersen" <> wrote:
>>> I agree with Josh.  Filter it and use it.  The filter funnel he is 
>>> referring to is called the Baja Filter.  It is used by Baja racers to 
>>> filter the notoriously nasty fuel found down in Mexico.  Wal probably has 
>>> one on the boat.
>>> The micro screen in the filter prevents liquid water from passing through 
>>> it.  Of course, West Marine markets a very similar filter under their own 
>>> name.  I have one and use it when needed. 
>>> Jake
>>> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Josh 
>>> Muckley
>>> Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 7:23 PM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: Stus-List Recycled diesel fuel
>>> I'm with Joel.  Use it.  One of the biggest problems with water being 
>>> absorbed by the fuel is that is facilitates the biological growth.  (Read: 
>>> clogged filters)  If you filter it first and use it quickly you should be 
>>> fine.  They also make a product called a "filter funnel" that will pull the 
>>> water out of the fuel (gas or diesel).  It works, I use it when filling up 
>>> and get water every time.
>>> Josh
>>> -- 
>>> When privacy matters.
>>> On Aug 11, 2013 7:16 PM, "Joel Aronson" <> wrote:
>>> Haven't filled up since the fall. I would use it 
>>> Joel 
>>> On Aug 11, 2013, at 7:06 PM, Eric Frank <> wrote:
>>> Is year-old diesel fuel worth using?  I had about 5 gallons of diesel fuel 
>>> left in the tank over the winter.  Rather than just add to it, I pumped it 
>>> out and am wondering if it is worth reusing.  I had treated it with biocide 
>>> last year, and can easily filter it, but does it have some water absorbed 
>>> into it and so should be discarded?  Some diesel additives claim to deal 
>>> with water as well (see current issue of Practical Sailor), so is it 
>>> sensible to treat it with that and then add it back to the tank?  Otherwise 
>>> I need to find a proper place to dispose of it.  The engine runs fine, no 
>>> problems, so there is no indication anything is wrong, but of course that 
>>> doesn't mean the fuel is really suitable.
>>> Eric Frank
>>> Cat's Paw
>>> C&C 35 Mk II
>>> Mattapoisett, MA
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