I've been experimenting with various locations for a GoPro video camera, and so far am not happy with any -
I have attached to Bow pulpit, (only a limited view of random boats, rarely it is great in crowded starts and mark rounding's) suction cup on mast, ( only hear mast noises, and half the time the Genoa blocks the view) Backstay, (could be good, but it quivers and shakes, so it is hard to view) Rear pulpit or pushpit, whatever, ( usually my head or others body in the way, occasionally ok.) I don't think I am ready for one of those nice Horizon True <http://www.horizontrue.com/self-leveling-camera-mounts.html> hydraulically gimbaled mounts for 350 - 500 bucks. Yet. My next thought is to weld a couple feet of 1" tube to a SS Clamp straight up from the rear pulpit, but I am curious if anyone has found or seen a good location for these gadgets before I re-invent the wheel. Bill Coleman C&C 39 animated_favicon1
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