>From re-reading the steps it seems like everything has been being done
right.  Step 7 points out to use the winch handle to remove the upper
housing from the lower....must be tight.  Seems to agree with your findings.

When privacy matters.
On Jul 10, 2013 7:49 PM, "Josh Muckley" <muckl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Don't un-bed the winch.  Follow the directions at the link below.
> I recently rebuilt all of mine (Barient 21,24, and 32).  None of them
> seemed as painful as the 26.  I did have one pawl on one of my 21's that
> was rusted in the closed position.
> Good luck,
> Josh Muckley
> S/V Sea Hawk
> http://l-36.com/winches_pages.php?winch=winches8.htm
> --
> When privacy matters.
> http://www.secure-my-email.com
> I realize I am asking for a lot here but I would like to at least ask
> before I un-bed my winch from the deck. My main starboard winch is slipping
> in low gear which has rendered it unit useless to me forcing me to rely on
> the small cousin behind it.
> I have had the drum off and have cleaned and greased it to the best of my
> ability but was unable to get to the low gear. There are several grade 5
> bolts that appear to be mounting the spindle to the deck plate/gear
> carrier. I removed the bolts but could not break the spindle free. Is this
> pressed in? I didn't want to start banging on anything until i consulted
> with the gods.
> Note the main shaft did not come out either.
> Thanks in advance for your help with this.
> - Up winch creek
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