Good friends of ours have one of the original Back Cove 29's. I helped with the 
commission, brought the boat up the Chesapeake Bay from Virginia Beach to 
Annapolis in strong headwinds and lumpy seas and my impression is of a very 
sturdy, sea-kindly, dry and nicely built craft. Single diesel with a 
bow-thruster keeps things simple and cheap. On the 29 the accommodations are 
fine for short distance cruising and over-nights. For two...

They were down last weekend and are giving some thought to moving up to the 
Back Cove 37.


On Jul 10, 2013, at 10:23 AM, dwight veinot wrote:

> I will probably have my C&C 35 MKII for a long time yet and I am very 
> satisfied with it for my sailing agenda nowadays.  However I have become less 
> enthusiastic about mainsail work and often cruise under furling genoa alone.  
> As I have aged I have begun to see some benefit in a new experience so the 
> 30-40 foot power boats are attracting my attention.  I really like the Back 
> Cove boats:  
> Dwight Veinot
> C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
> Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of Dennis C.
> Sent: July 9, 2013 1:27 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Stus-List Cruising World's 40 best sailboats
> Finally got around to reading this article from an earlier post.  That's an 
> interesting list.  I certainly agree with many of the choices and question a 
> few.  I also would make a few "substitutions".
> Although the Alberg 30 is listed, I would have chosen the Alberg 35 instead.  
> The Morgan O/I 40, Gulfstar 50, Halberg Rassey 42 and Hylas 49 are pretty 
> rock solid choices in my opinion.
> Could be an interesting thread for us.
> Dennis C.
> Touche' 35-1 #83
> Mandeville, LA
> There should be an 's' at the end of that link.
> <>
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