I have a 1984 C&C 41. I installed a Tidesmarine track and I am now able
to haul the main to within 10"
of full lift by hand before I need to use the winch. Prior to the Tides
track I needed the winch for every inch.
There was alot of exercise involved.
Ray Shibe
"Stinky Dog"
On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 01:53 PM, Raymond Macklin wrote:
I am looking to put a mast track on my 1985 C&C 33.
It does not currently have a track. I have purchased a 1" track and
that is too small. I just received an 1 1/4 track that i think is
questionable. I just saw online a 1 1/2 track. Do i need to order that
one now? Does anyone have the name of the mast manufacturer? Also, how
do i remove part of the existing plastic filler
without destroying it?
Libertyville, IL
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