
Is it time to switch to something like Google Groups or Yahoo Groups?
I'm not an IT guy, but it seems like it would lighten your load (after a
brief but painful transition).

On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 10:14 AM, Stu <> wrote:

>   Listers
> During the past couple of days, our web hosting company was doing some
> maintenance and it did affect the messages getting through.
> Looks like we are back up and running now.
> Stu
>  *From:* Ronald B. Frerker <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:05 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Stus-List Bigger Boat Question-Warning, a little long
> winded!
>   Message to Stu,
> I've not been receiving many of these messages; been that way since sunday.
> Didn't even get my own response to one from yesterday when I mentioned my
> problem the first time.
> While I'm not a ludite, I'm not real computer literate.
> I've checked my spam mail folder but none there.  What's my next step?
> Ron
> Wild Cheri
> C&C 30
> --- On *Wed, 5/29/13, <>* wrote:
> From: <>
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Bigger Boat Question-Warning, a little long winded!
> To:
> Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2013, 7:49 AM
>  Hi Mark,
> When I decided to move up from my O'Day 22, I started looking at 27'
> boats.  Then at the encouragement of my wife we decided to consider even
> larger boats.  Then at the advice of some seasoned boaters, which was to go
> as big as you feel comfortable with, started looking at even larger boats.
> So, we started shopping for a boat, on and off, for probably 2 years.  We
> saw a lot of peoples garbage they wanted us to pay to have the privilege of
> removing for them, we saw boats grossly overpriced, we looked at boats out
> of our price range to see what you get for your money.  We discovered you
> simply cannot take anyone at their word on condition.  (after all, these
> people are emotionally attached to their boats and probably in denial, not
> so much dishonest) In the end, we decided to go up to a 34' boat because
> that was largest boat allowed at the marina where I kept the O'Day...(No we
> aren't there anymore, we ended up keeping Lolita at the same marina where
> we found her, we love it there!)
> What happened for me is, I became more familiar with bigger boats by,
> reading about them and visiting them.  I discovered things that bother my
> wife and I and things that weren't such a big deal.  Some things she felt
> more strongly about and vice versa.
> Then, one day, after looking at about 7 or 8 boats including an O'Day 32,
> a Rhodes 30, a couple of Pearsons a C&C 32, among others, we were thinking
> that there were about 3 boats we could potentially be happy with.  The
> O'Day seemed roomy and pretty modern, the Pearsons were 2 ends of a
> spectrum, one seemed more modern and the other a solid boat in good
> condition with no frills.  The C&C felt out of our price range, a little
> over priced but, we might try negotiating with the guy...
> Then we went to look at a Viking 33 and the Rhodes 32 at the same yard.
> We found the Rhodes, but couldn't get inside, it looked okay.  Then we
> found the Viking.  I had read up on Vikings before we came and found them
> to be reputable, well respected and of good construction, not to mention
> the C&C design aspect.  I was pretty hopeful about this boat so, I was a
> little biased.
> It was pretty cool how it went;  We were tired and ready to give up the
> search for the day.  I said "well I'm going aboard" and Karen said, "I'm
> only going up the ladder if it is really worth it."
> So, I climb aboard, looked around, went below, come back out and say, "I
> think you should come up."  She's like, "really, is really worth it?"  I
> say, " I think you should come up."  This went on for about 5 or six
> rounds.  I started walking on the deck, looking for soft spots and there
> were none, it had some old electronics and I was impressed because my last
> boat had none.  It had wheel steering, full, almost new canvass and she did
> not feel overwhelmingly big.  She is pretty narrow and I think that is what
> made her feel more manageable from a scale perspective.
> I said again, "I think you should come up."  So, finally, she did, The
> thing had peeling paint all over the place below and the head was
> disgusting.  But, somehow the boat was still appealing to us.  Karen knew
> what kind of restoration work I was capable of after the O'Day 22
> experience and was able to see past the cosmetics and agreed this was
> probably the happy medium we'd been looking for, (I should mention, we both
> wanted a boat that was considered fast).  Well, we made an offer, did the
> survey which came back great and we bought the boat.  At this point I wish
> I could say it was all rainbows, fair winds and beautiful sailing...
> However, she was a severely neglected girl, and needed everything we knew
> about, plus new sails and a new engine.  It took me all spring and pretty
> much the whole summer to get her launched, (needless to say, wifey was none
> too happy about my having "wasted the whole summer" working on her and she
> is very gun shy about it happening this year!).
> Lolita is a good, solid, and fast boat and I know her inside and out now.
> She ended up costing me well over my initial budget but, in the end I think
> I have the investment right around market value, maybe somewhat more than
> the market would bear but, i do have brand new sails, rigging, motor,
> canvass and this year, electronics!  So, that would be the upgrades of a
> normal used boat, (or so I like to believe!)
> I guess my point, in all this, is that searching for and buying a used
> boat seems to be a process, an ever changing search for something that
> seems to fit your needs.  You really start to change your perspective as
> you look at boats and talk to they're owners and yacht broker and begin to
> really define what you're looking for.
> Old boats are an investment of time, money and emotions.  Some would say I
> must be nuts to put in the efforts to such an old boat, but, then we have
> this pack of wing nuts who advise, encourage, compliment and give smack up
> side the head once in while that help keep us all feeling sane, and
> helped.  I could never have accomplished all the work I did alone and you
> won't have to either.  There are all kinds of sources to explain processes
> in fixing boats.  there are all kinds of brand specific groups (none to
> equal this group of course!) I think if you are prepared to do the work in
> fixing all that is wrong to begin with and the proper maintenance, you'll
> be a better sailor and happier person.  But, thats just me!  LMAO  ...and
> I'm not all that stable!!
> Then, you could always buy the boat that has been all updated and well
> maintained, pay the market value and have the yard do all the work.  Oh to
> dream...
> Anyway, I hope this helped a little!  It was kind of therapeutic for
> me!!!  LOL
> Danny
> Lolita
> 1973 Viking 33
> Westport Point, MA
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Russ & Melody <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Bigger Boat Question
> Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 21:29:21 -0700
> Hi Mark,
> As you already know there is no simple answer.
> But here are the dimension for the perfect boat: Cocktails for 6 Dinner
> for 4 Sleeps 2
> Seriously, 30' is ideal for light sailing with a weekend & a bit away.
> Bigger gets more toys tolerated and comfort underway (especially if you
> actually go sailing if it's windy). For 20 grand your best bet is the one
> that has been maintained (vs say, size weighted consideration) so to get
> the best value. Good sails can be the difference in the bargain... only 3
> new cruising sails are a minimum 6 grand from the orient.
> Personally I went from a 60' cruising cutter to a 35 mk-1 and love her.
> However I have a 40' motor-sailor sitting in the back yard awaiting my
> semi-retirement where I can spend 4 5 months aboard, cruising the west
> coast.
> Your mileage may vary. Enjoy the hunt.
>         Cheers, Russ
>         *Sweet *35 mk-1
> At 09:01 PM 28/05/2013, you wrote:
> I'm still looking at boats, reading emails from this list and learning
> lots.  Right now I'm sitting back, watching the market, looking to new
> boats that come up, and trying to figure out where I want to end up.
> Maybe some more experienced listers can offer some thoughts (on or off
> list).
> I know that everyone has there own criteria - but I'm trying to figure out
> the right boat for me.  My Mirage 24 is quite small - 5ft of headroom (only
> my 8 yr old can stand up), not enough space to sleep 5 (me and 4 kids),
> lacks an enclosed head, no functional galley, noisy and smelly outboard.
> I envision wanting to do some more sailing - little further out of the
> harbour, some overnights (effectively boat camping with the kids), maybe a
> long weekend away with the girlfriend.
> But we've all heard the cracks "2 best days in a boater life - the day
> he/she buys their boat, and the day they sell it", or "A boat is a hole in
> the water you pour money into" - not really encouraging. So, why, if they
> are so terrible does everyone get 2 foot itis?
> Feel free to espouse on why did you end up with the boat you have? Do you
> wish you stayed smaller/cheaper/simpler?
> What would you say to yourself if you could go back and offer advice? Was
> this the best decision ever?  If you could make a change what do you want?
> A bigger galley? Bigger cockpit?
> My temptation was to find a 29-30 foot boat that would work, thinking that
> would last me for years with the kids and still be a manageable size when
> they are off.  Keeping costs reasonable, maintenance manageable and enough
> boat to venture further afield.
> Right now I could buy a local C&C 33 (with and Atomic4), or a local C&C 30
> (diesel), or there are 29's, 30's and 34's within reach - the prices are
> similar.  I plan on climbing aboard a few different boats to get a feel for
> size and space, but I'm trying to figure out what I'm getting into without
> having to learn the painfully hard way!  I'm leaning towards a diesel (only
> because that seems to be common opinion and gas on my current boat has it's
> downsides), wheel steering and something fairly stable (so kids and
> girlfriend aren't barfing over the side -- which I gather eliminates the
> 29's from the list).  Price wise I'd like to stay below $20000.
> I have the cash set aside to buy the boat, but clearly bigger is not
> always better, the maintenance and insidious upkeep costs can add up
> quickly.  I was able to do a quick sand and bottom paint on my M24 in 2.5
> hrs.  Assuming the cost and workload multiply with the displacement I'm
> guessing a 30ft (being twice the displacement) would be double the effort,
> a 34ft 3 times the work.  At what point is it more work and you wish for a
> smaller/cheaper boat?
> Thanks in advance for the advice,
> Mark
> --
> ---------------------
>   Dr. Mark Bodnar
> B.Sc., D.C., FCCOPR(C)
> Bedford Chiropractic
> ---------------------
> There is no cure for birth and death save to enjoy the interval.
>   - George Santayana
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