Okay, try this one.
A full racing crew during easy time maybe a bit a
banter happening... Point to Bob (or whoever is
the best candidate) and ask, "Hey Bob, why does
that tag on the bottom of your d' flateable vest
say it takes a jerk to inflate it?" Emphasis on "a jerk".
Now, that is funny.
Cheers, Russ
Sweet 35 mk-1
At 11:40 AM 25/05/2013, you wrote:
No Russ, please tell me want you know,
Dwight Veinot
C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
From: CnC-List
[mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Russ & Melody
Sent: May 25, 2013 3:25 PM
To: cnc-list@cnc-list.com
Subject: Re: Stus-List C&C 35 MKII
Hey Dwight,
I will reserve comment about the jerk on the wrench.
Cheers, Russ
Sweet 35 mk-1
At 11:16 AM 25/05/2013, you wrote:
Dont lock the water in by fibre glassing over
the keel joint on the outside, water from the
bilge will always seep down there and be trapped
and especially if temps where you are go below
freezing in winter. I tightened the nuts on the
keel bolts of my 35 MKII a few years back when I
replaced the backing plates with 3/8 inch
stainless sheet metal plates I had especially
made to fit. You will need a deep socket, 1.5
inch I think, a ¾ inch drive and a 3-4 foot long
pipe extension on the drive. Dont jerk on the
wrench, just an even pull over about a 3-4 foot
radius and you will get very close to the torque
you need (350-400 ftlbs) without needing an
actual ¾ inch drive torque wrench
if you get one
of those you will still need a pipe extension or
some sort of force multiplier to get to the
proper torque. There is one bolt under the mast
and another under the sole aft of the opening
for the bilge for 6 in total and if you do
torque them down do them all. If you have
washers for backing plates as some boats had I
recommend you replace them with stainless steel
plates except for the 2 most forward
ones. Youre bound to get more advice from this
list on doing this like about using tef gel or
other lubes but I did mine without any lubes and
I bedded them under the backing plates with lots
and lots of polyurethane bedding compound which
oozed out all around as I tightened the
nuts. I prefer to do this while the boat is on
the hard sitting on its keel with jack stand
side supports but I have also done it while the
boat is in the water. Remember just an even
pull on the wrench, no instantaneous loading with a jerk on the wrench.
Dwight Veinot
C&C 35 MKII, Alianna
Head of St. Margaret's Bay, NS
From: CnC-List [
mailto:cnc-list-boun...@cnc-list.com] On Behalf Of Spiro Carras
Sent: May 25, 2013 2:12 PM
To: CnC-List@cnc-list.com
Subject: Stus-List C&C 35 MKII
I have a 1974 C&C 35 MKII and i want to know
where can I get stanchion bases and stanchions
with the ring on top and a hole in the middle
for the lifelines. Also i have a question in
terms of the nuts that hold the keel should
those be tighten occasionally or checked or we
should leave them alone. i see some water
dripping on the keel (while on the hard) should
i fiberglass around the keel to strengthen the
bond between the keel and the hull? ANY IDEAS
Spiro Carras
Spiro Carras " Producer / Director " "HD4K-DI
Studio" *Cineguild Entertainment Group* "New
York -- Los Angeles -- Athens" " Tel: 001 (917)
488-4402 * " E-mail: <mailto:spirocar...@gmail.com>spirocar...@gmail.com "
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