
Gennie track or toe rail loose?


On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Morgenstern, Keith E CIV SEA 08 NR <> wrote:

> If we are talking about mystery leaks.....I have one coming from the
> overhead near the nav desk.  It's in the extreme outboard, about 1-inch
> aft of the electrical panel.  It drips into that little shelf.  I cannot
> find any leaking bolts thru the deck anywhere aft of that, and the shape
> of the headliner would seem to make the electrical panel a high point -
> like the continental divide.
> I honestly suspect that it's coming thru an electrical cables' sheath.
> but the only wiring that "leaves the boat" back there is the stern
> light, which is inside it's's a mystery.
> -Keith
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Graham Collins []
> Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 20:25
> To: Erik Hillenmeyer;
> Subject: Re: Stus-List 35-3 Leak
> Hi Erik
> I would tighten it while in the water, it is so unlikely to result in a
> bad outcome that I don't see a reason why you wouldn't try it.
> I remain baffled though as to the path the water is taking.  A leak at
> the keel stub to lead joint should come in at a bolt.  For it to get up
> under that stringer is a mystery to me (but then I have a leak into my
> hanging locker that I am unable to find, so what do I know???).
> Good luck!
> Graham Collins
> Secret Plans
> C&C 35-III #11
> On 2013-05-22 6:24 PM, Erik Hillenmeyer wrote:
>         Keith,
>         The tanks are empty, I never filled them.  The water is crystal
> clear (thanks to Zebra mussels) Lake Michigan water - no fuel, oil, etc.
>         I am not completely convinced it isn't finding it's way to the
> stringer from elsewhere, but I just can't prove it.  I've removed all
> the floor boards and the the thing is just bone dry everywhere except
> inside that limber hole.  in fact, if i stick my finger in the cutout in
> the stringer for the bilge hose, which is several inches to port of the
> limber hole it is dry, so it almost has to be coming from below.
>         My shower pump was straight forward, hose from the shower sump
> to a pump under the sink and up to a thru hull at the toe rail.  I
> disabled this yesterday because i installed an automatic bilge pump and
> float switch to keep up with the water and the only above the water line
> thru hull available was the shower drain pump - i don't use it anyway.
> In off season I'll maybe add a thru hull and reattach it.
>         Thanks for the input!  Any opinion on tightening keel bolts in
> the water - I cannot get a conclusive answer on this.  Some sources say
> do it and some say never.  I've seen it argued on several forums, but
> haven't formed my own opinion yet...
>         Thanks,
>         Erik
>         From: "Morgenstern, Keith E CIV SEA 08 NR"
> <> <>
>         To: Erik Hillenmeyer <>
> <> ;
>         Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 2:51 PM
>         Subject: RE: Stus-List 35-3 Leak
>         Erik,
>         I've been mulling over your situation.
>         Here's my thoughts:
>         You indicate that it seems like the water is originating from
> somewhere
>         *inside* the stringer. We know that there are no keel bolts in
> there,
>         nor are there any openings to the ocean there...and it's in
> front of the
>         last keel bolt, so it seems unlikely (to me) that it's a
> grounding
>         problem.
>         So...where would water come from *inside* the stringer?
>         On my 35-3, they've run all the water hoses/pipes thru large
> holes in
>         the stringers, drilled maybe 1" or so down from the top.
>         If one of those pipes has a weeping leak where it passes over
> the
>         perhaps sharp edge of the hole drilled, it could seem like the
> water is
>         originating in there.  Then gravity just makes the water tanks
> drip into
>         the bilge.
>         It's been a few 2.5 gallons a day, your water tanks
> should be
>         noticeably low if this was the source. To test, put two
> different food
>         colors (or two different liquors) in the tanks, and close the
> valves at
>         the water pump so they aren't cross-connected, then wait it out.
> What
>         color/taste is the bilge?
>         Another possibility along these lines is an extra bilge pump
> pickup...on
>         my 35-3 there is a shower sump pump for the shower in the head.
> But
>         somewhere along the line (maybe at the factory) they put a 3-way
> valve
>         in, then ran a hose thru the bilge to a point between the mast
> and
>         engine, and there is a pickup there too. (it's my "aft" bilge
> pump
>         pickup)
>         If this was deranged like above (leaky hose/fitting), or if
> there was
>         some sort of siphon being set up from the shower to the bilge
> via the
>         overboard lines? It's a stretch...but maybe.
>         -Keith Morgenstern
>         C&C 35-3 cb
>         -----Original Message-----
>         From: Erik Hillenmeyer []
>         Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 17:03
>         To:
>         Subject: Stus-List 35-3 Leak
>         Hello,
>         Been following on here for a while but never posted.
>         I have a new-to-me 1984 C&C 35 MKIII on Lake Michigan.  When we
> launched
>         six days ago I noticed a large amount of water in the bilge when
> I would
>         go to the boat.  Approximately 2.5 gallons every 24 hours.  I
> have
>         narrowed the leak down to what I assume is a hull/keel joint
> issue.
>         After checking all the obvious sources for this much water (thru
> hull,
>         tanks, etc, etc) I finally noticed that all the water was coming
> from a
>         limber hole in the stringer just forward of the aft most keel
> bolt.  The
>         water is NOTcoming out this limber hole because it's flowing
> through
>         there from a higher point in the bilge - it's flooding up from
>         underneath the stringer.  The bilge area aft of this stringer is
> dusty
>         dry and I've elminated all other sources of water.
>         The first thing I'm in the process of doing is installing an
> automatic
>         bilge pump and float switch (PO never had one).
>         I also plan on tightening the keel bolts as soon as I get access
> to a
>         torque wrench and an extension that can reach the 2 feet to the
> deepest
>         part of the sump where one of the keel bolts is located.  I'm
> hoping
>         this is some help in stopping or reducing the leak.  The sailing
> season
>         is very short here and hauling out now would cost us a big chunk
> of
>         sailing, so I'm willing to try anything to stay in.
>         I've thrown this out on some other blogs, but wanted to know if
> other
>         C&C owners have experienced this issue or have some solutions
> for
>         getting her through the season.
>         Thanks,
>         Erik
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