Thanks all. I figured I'de be ok but your feedback leaves me with some
peace of mind and that'll make the job, any job, easier.
Bob, no baby stay on mine . weird eh? I know the 32 had one, mine doesn't.
However mine does have a weird metal tube thingy on the floor of the vee
birth .. right by the door. The surveyor guessed that it might have had
something to do with a baby stay though there is no evidence on deck of
there ever being one. Is your baby stay just connected to a fitting on
deck? I'm hull number 59 so I figure by then they would have settled on how
they were building these but i guess not.

Suhana, C&C 32

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Robert Abbott <>wrote:

>  If I have the option to put the tubes on without splitting them, I would
> not split them ....agree with Tim on this one......just more unnecessary
> hassles.
> Bob Abbott
> AZURA\C&C 32 - 84
> Halifax, NS
> On 2013/05/15 10:58 AM, Tim Sippel wrote:
>  Hi Steve, a C&C 32 is keel stepped I believe , you can safely release
> one shroud at a time and but the “boots” on … I do it every year . ****
> Slitting the boot and putting tape on it could  result in adhesive and
> then dirt transferring to your sail .****
> ** **
> Tim ****
> *From:* CnC-List 
> [<>]
> *On Behalf Of *Stevan Plavsa
> *Sent:* Wednesday, May 15, 2013 9:34 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Stus-List Disconnecting Shrouds****
> ** **
> I need to put those plastic tubes over my turnbuckles and the stick is up.
> I'm pretty sure I can do this but need confirmation/guidance from the list.
> ****
> What's the safest way to go about this? My boat has one set of outer
> shrouds and one set of inner. I'll be putting the covers on the outer
> shroud turnbuckles only.****
> ** **
> Should I use a halyard as backup?****
> I figure loosen tension on outer shrouds evenly. Put tension on halyard
> (fixed to toe rail) and release that side's shroud. Put cover on, loosely
> re-attach turnbuckle and do over again on the other side. Once done tension
> the shrouds properly. Is this right?****
> ** **
> I've got a brand new genoa and I'de like to protect it best I can.****
> ** **
> Thanks****
> ** **
> Steve****
> Suhana, C&C 32****
> Toronto****
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