I have never raced, though I have always imagined myself a "racer" (al least in my twisted mind..).

I am interested in taking a shot at a no stress race. No flying sail here and Alera is fat with cruising comfort goodies...so being incredibly competitive is not the goal. Just fun and more time sailing.

So, toward that end, and at the risk of asking dumb questions, here are a few.

On the Race for the Straights participant listings there is a reference to "Jack and Jill" on the dbl handed list...my guess is it refers to a Boy/Girl crew...right?

How do I find the PHRF rating for Alera (1990, 37+ w wing keel)? Also, are PHRF ratings regional?

I guess it would be best to crew on someone else's boat for a few races...but aside from that, any PNW folks know of races that would be a good initial race for a rookie in the Sea/Tac area (TAC is closer if me on Vashon)?

Unfortunately, the Race for the Straights is a no go this year...but I would sure like to try it next year. Then maybe work up to the Swiftsure in the not too distant future.

Any words of encouragement, warning, or just the usual smartassed remarks are appreciated!

Tom B

Message: 6
Date: Wed, 1 May 2013 18:58:23 +0000
From: Martin DeYoung <mdeyo...@deyoungmfg.com>
To: "cnc-list@cnc-list.com" <cnc-list@cnc-list.com>
Subject: Re: Stus-List Summer Weather
Message-ID: <23eae197cc1b594fa8793397ebcd357d7a1...@dmi3.dmi.local>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Here in the PNW (Puget Sound and the Salish Sea) we are headed for a 70F light wind weekend.

Calypso's co-owner and I will be participating in the STYC "Race to the Straits" where we race double handed NW to Port Townsend on Saturday, enjoy a party Sat night then race back Sunday. C&C 43 hull #2, now known as "Carmanah" is also entered giving the chance of some side by side 70's C&C competition.

The forecasted winds are light enough and the currents in Admiralty Inlet strong enough that success will be defined as enjoying a weekend on the boat up to Pt. Townsend and back regardless of the race outcome.

1970 C&C 43


Tom Buscaglia
SV Alera
C&C 37+/40
Vashon Island WA
(206) 463-9200
This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album

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