Doye cost 3400 for their best dacron radial on my 27.

> Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2013 09:28:41 -0300
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Sail Quote - am I delusional?
> $2500 sounds about right  - for a dacron RF sail from your local loft.
> Seems to me that if you are not using your local North loft there is not
> much point in using North via the NS Direct.  Just my opinion.
> Headsail on the 32 will be your most expensive sail. 
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: CnC-List [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 6:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Stus-List Sail Quote - am I delusional?
> Steven,
> Thats what I paid for a local reputable loft to, stand on my boat and
> measure, build and install.
> Rolly Tasker gave me a price of like $1650
> Danny
> Lolita 
> 1973 Viking 33
> Westport Point, MA
> ---------- Original Message ----------
> From: Stevan Plavsa <>
> To:
> Subject: Stus-List Sail Quote - am I delusional?
> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2013 16:42:07 -0400
> So I sent my sails in for some sail care with North and they phoned me
> to tell me that they recommend a new headsail, that the old one isn't
> worth fixing and that if I wanted to fix it it'll still be a terrible
> sail and $200 to fix. 
> Ok, send me a quote I says.
> The quote I got, for my C&C 32, is for a plain jane, 140%, dacron, cross
> cut furling headsail with RF cover and they want $2500 for that. Is this
> in line with reality? FX sails wants about $1800 for the same thing. Oh,
> and the $2500 was the north sails direct price, not the "support your
> local business and get the best support" price.
> If this is what it costs then ok, but if this seems high to anyone else
> tell me where else I should be looking! I'm in Toronto.
> And not to get into sail recommendations .. well ok, let me get into it
> .. I've heard that radial sails are the way to go for headsails these
> days, whether racing or not, is that true? That radial sails last
> longer. I'm looking for a cruising sail that's built to last. Of course,
> I sail a C&C so I want to get the most performance out of my boat that I
> can, naturally. 
> Thanks,
> Steve
> C&C 32 (renaming)
> Toronto
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